Chapter 4

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She hated it here. The sleep study institute. She's been here many times when she was little.

She didn't want to be here. She didn't want to be drugged to sleep. That made it harder to wake up!

Who knew what he could do to her during that. While the doctors came to try and wake her up.

She heard footsteps and the door opened. She looked up expecting to see the doctor and nurses as always.

But to her surprise it was the man from her school yard. He gave a soft smile to her as he shut the door behind him.

"Hello Cassia." He greeted. How did he know her name? But she felt no fear. She felt peace and safety as she looked into his dark eyes. In his kind smile.

"How do you know my name?" She asked the dark skinned man. "My name is Thomas." He told her. "And I know exactly what you're going through. His name is Rhagnar isn't it?" He questioned.

Cassia's eyes widened at his words and she nodded. He nodded as well as he leaned against the wall by her and the barred windows.

"I have been hunting him for years now. You are the key to him." He told her. "So, I have been watching you for months now. Trying to figure out how he comes to you. It's through dreams. I have been trying to find a way to get to you alone." He told her. He looked at the door. 

She turned to look at it as well.

"He is always around. But no one can see him. Only certain places are safe from his gaze." He told her. "I've tried everything. I've researched so much. But I can't keep him away." Cassia told him. He looked at her once more. 

"I know. You are doing everything you can. But he has marked you as his bride. He won't let you go anytime soon." He told her. "I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for any of this! I have been going through this since I can remember. I can't do this much longer. I am exhausted and I can't sleep." She was starting to cry.

He frowned and went to her. He hugged her, rubbing her back. Finding comfort in his touch and smell. Cassia gripped his shirt and snuggled into his embrace. She was comforted by this. By him.

"I am here to save you from him. But I need you to trust me. I will train you. But I need to see what is happening. I need to see your dreams. Will you sleep so I can see?" He saw her eyes widened as she pushed away. "No! I can't do this! Sleeping is dangerous!" She shook her head away. 

He held her face in a gentle yet firm hold. Making her look at him.

"I need to see it with my own eyes. We are going to keep you safe. We are going to save you, train you, and keep him away." He told her. "I need you to put your trust in me. I am your guardian." He told her. 

"Trust in my ability to keep you safe. It is a dream, and he isn't there. He wants you to be afraid. To fight sleep. He wants you weak. And you are giving him exactly what he wants. With what are you doing, he is winning. With help, we can defeat him." Thomas told her.

He gently wiped the tears from her eyes. "They are coming. They are going to put you to sleep. They will wake you when they see you're with him. In a nightmare. I will be here the entire time." He promised. "I will be holding your hand. Do not say that I'm here. They won't be able to see me." He told her.

With that said, she looked confused. But as he predicted, the doctor and the nurses came in. "Hello Cassia. Please get into the bed." 


Cassia was strapped down, and she felt someone hold her hand. She turned her head and looked at Thomas. "Question him. Keep him answering and talking. But remember, I am here for you." He told her as the doctor injected her with the sleeping medication into her system.

Her body naturally attempted to fight sleep. She still didn't want this. She was terrified. But her weak body was soon out of fight, and she was asleep.

Thomas put his dark hand on her head and closed his eyes so he would be able to see threw her eyes when she goes into her dreams.

Claimed By A Fae King *Yandere*Where stories live. Discover now