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Waking up in a pillowy soft bed Holland pulled the covers up wanting to go back to sleep the bed was that comfortable then it hit her she's not in her bed.

Eyes go wide and Holland takes in the room it's a masculine room and the scent is his oh god she's in bed with her boss again slowly turning her head she finds the other side of the bed empty she didn't know if she was relieved or saddened that he wasn't there next to her.

Rolling over to her back she looked over at the nightstand to see a note , her phone and two pills and water bottle.

Sliding the note off the nightstand.

There are two Tylenol for you take , your phone is fully charged for you
I will be in either the guest bedroom, couch or Kitchen depending on the time and if it's too late I'll be out for a short time but either Graham or Maya will be here until we all return
You don't work tonight and I have already gotten your Professor to send over your class work to my email once Drake goes through your computer You will do your homework
Be sure to eat the fridge is fully stocked with food so is the pantry


Getting up out of the bed Holland didn't want to change yet she  was wearing his dress shirt that came to her knees it smells like him she could just sniff it all day everyday.
Heading down the hallway with her phone tucked in the pocket of the shirt she finds  the kitchen and living room it's an open concept apartment over looking the city which from the view was up and moving.

Mason wasn't on the couch, guess he's out for the morning.

Opening the fridge to find food since  her belly made it known it was hungry.

Ten minutes later Holland was chowing down on a veggie omelet, toast and a cup of coffee which was delicious.

She heard the elevator doors ding so she turned her head to see who it was and her eyes landed on the main that has haunted her sexual dreams since she met him.

" I see you are up and eating did you take your Tylenol? " he asked as he came more into the apartment.

I nodded yes

" Words Kitten " he says keeping his eyes on me

Hollands body reacted to his Dominating Voice

"Yes " she answered.
" Yes what Kitten "
" Yes Sir "
" Good Kitten once your done eating I will clean up which looks like there isn't much while you go shower there are clothes in the bag once done come back out so we can talk " he says as he hands the bag to Holland.

Doing what she was told to do with out question She knew how Mason was he didn't like it when you didn't follow his instructions .
She went back to the room she stayed in and went to shower.

There is more than enough room for 6 people in this shower Holland thought to herself once she got in .
The water was hot and hitting her in all different directions it felt fabulous grabbing the body wash that was in the bag along with the loofah and hair care she loaded the loofah up it smelled like apples and cinnamon .
Washing her body then shaving since that was in the bag too.
The shampoo and conditioner smells fabulous too.
It made her hair feel soft and manageable.

Getting dressed after she blow dried her hair pulling only a small amount up to keep it out of her face.
He had picked out a pair of light washed Bermuda shorts a pink tank top with a grey button up shirt a matching pair of panties and bra but there was note in the other bag that said he didn't think she needed panties but bought them anyway.

Rolling her eyes at the note she put it back in the bag.

Holland made her way back to the main room finding Mason  standing at the windows looking out at the city.
She could see his chiseled jaw with a small five o'clock shadow he had a coffee cup  in his hand
His shirt was now half open he had loosened his tie slipped off his shoes standing there in sock feet.

He caught a glimpse of her in the reflection he watched her walk farther into the room
Holland's eyes didn't look up to meet his until she was almost to the couch.

She picked up the blanket and began to fold it.

" Put the blanket down Kitten "

Holland brought her eyes up to meet his gaze.

" Do you want to explain Why this Dimitri Ivanov is after you and before you lie to me be warned I will spank you for each lie you tell me ?" Mason  says as he walks over to her talking the blanket out of her hands tossing it back on the couch.

"Look Mr Knight I am not going into my personal business with you. " Holland says

" Oh Yes you are as long as you work for me and are in my home you will " Mason says sending off his Dominance in waves.

" Then I guess I don't work for you any more and I will be out of your home in a few " Holland tells him as she turns to heads back to the room to grab her things.

A hand grabs her arm spinning her around to face him.

"Holland you are not going anywhere not as long as This Guy is looking for you and I asked you a direct question so answer it Kitten? " Mason asked his eyes were filled with concern.

"What was the question " Holland replies trying to get her arm away but all it did was make him hold on tighter.

"Holland! " Mason growls .

The elevator doors ding and open.

" Mason " Drake says as he enters the apartment.


" Why do you have Holland like that "

" Because I asked her a direct question and she hasn't answered it ." Mason replies

"Okay If she hasn't yet I have a complete file here for you to read. " Drake said


" Dimitri Ivanov " Drake answered back laying the folder down on the table.

" Don't you go anywhere Holland if you so much as try to leave I will tie you to the chair " Mason said.

Holland knew he meant it " Okay " she croaked out

Mason motioned for Holland to sit down.

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