Cold Steel (Ch13)

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(a/n thank you guys for reading my story, I'm sorry I'm so super bad at updating lol, I'll try to get a few chapters out soon)
(Warning: content ahead is dark and therefore I am giving a ⚠️trigger warning!⚠️ Creepy semi-sexual stuff ahead! I apologize)
I woke up to no sounds aside from the ringing in my ears. I could make out  2 sillohuets. One seemed like.. Alexanders? He can help me! I tried to speak but the handkerchief in my mouth silenced me. I whimpered out of frustration and sadness. My ear perked up at the sound of him speaking of me.
"have you seen Y/N?, she's been missing for 2 days now... I need to find her! If you know anything PLEASE let me know. She means the world to me and I'm not going to give up looking for her..."
I felt tears slowly drip down my cheek. He sounded so desperate and hurt.. I'm here Alexander.. I'm here.. Just as I was about to give up I realized that my legs weren't tied up! In a moment of pure hope i stamped my feet on the ground as loudly as i could manage, shuffling, flailing and wacking, hoping to attract his attention. It had worked, Alexander perked his head up and turned to my direction, "whats that sound?" Lafayette replied calmly, "c'est nothing my friend, go home, see if you're girl has returned."

With that... they left. I was alone once again. Scanning the room, I searched for anything to get my restraints loose. I seen a small bedside table out of the corner of my eye and had a
" lightbulb" moment. Most men keep odd things in drawers right? I don't see why a weapon wouldn't be something they'd keep there. I sat up and used my core strength to stand up since my wrists were bound together, thankfully they were in front of me.

I slinked over to the small table and pulled out the top drawer, seeing a pair of socks, a pamphlet, and a pen or two. As I pulled open the second drawer I heard footsteps nearing the room I'm in. Just as the person walked in, I saw a glint of steel. It was a dagger.

"And what do you think you're doing?", Charles Lee's voice shook me. He sounded closer than I anticipated. In a swift motion, I grabbed the dagger, meanwhile he drew a pistol. Obviously, I was outdrawn...

"why am I here." i asked, in a commanding tone, rather than questioning, though it was very muffled from the handkerchief.

"that's not how you should speak to a man with a gun... ", he got closer and pressed the pistol firmly against my throat as he pulled down the handkerchief , "unless you're trying to get yourself killed."

I went quiet, trying to think of how to get out of this. Will he actually kill me if I make a wrong move? Or does he need me alive..

In the midst of my thoughts I felt his warm hand against my cheek, in any other situation, that would have been comforting, but currently.. It means danger.

"you're such a beautiful girl... It'd be a shame if something were to happen to you." he menacingly smiled as he traced his fingers against my throat.

"what do you want from me? Is it money? Gold? What is It Charles??" i asked quickly, anxiously.

"don't you know? young women like you are in high demand currently.. You could get me more money if i sold you!" i felt him lick my neck as he hugged me, still from behind.

"if i could, I'd keep you for myself. But my status is depleting, being so, it needs a... Refresher." he nestled himself in the crook of my neck.

I thought about what he said very deeply. From the sounds of it, he needs me alive. So, i can do this-

A dagger peirced Charles' leg as he pushed me away in utter shock.

" Why you-", his face was furious as he grabbed his thigh, were the wound was.
With that, i quickly got up and dashed to the front room.

(A/N: Thank you to everyone who stuck around! Sorry i haven't been updating, as you may have already known, I'm shit at updating 🥴.
I thought I'd leave you on a cliffhanger~ thank you for reading! ❤️)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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