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I opened the door and saw the bar full of rowdy men and female waitresses getting teased. This made you quite nervous, you sat at the bar and ordered a 'Samuel Adams'. When you got your drink you heard a man say loudly "SAM ADAMS IS BEST BEER!!!"you turned and saw he was looking at you when he said it, you laughed and agreed "hell yeah it is!"
You got a closer look at men, the one who yelled at you was a beyond tipsy freckled man with a curly low ponytail, 'damnnnnn...he cute to..' You thought to yourself , you looked at the man next to him, he was banging his fists down on the table and goin,"BRAHHH BRAHHH" it made me giggle. The man singing and dancing wobbily was a man with a thick French accent, he was obviously drunk,but dammnnnn he was hot. You got snapped back to reality when you were picked up and sat down at the table with the men while the drunk freckled guy was yelling "SHES WITH US NOWWW"you laughed quietly as he started randomly babbling on about something.The man you saw in the library was blushing while staring at you, you noticed and looked at him "uh...hello?" You questionably greeted him. He jumped up after he realized he was staring at you "s-sorry"-he stuttered,"I was just admirning...how beautiful your (e/c) eyes are...." You blushed..."o-oh...well thank you" you two where interrupted when the freckled man budded in and cooed"Alex has a cruuuuush~~" the three of them giggled as Alexander was a dark shade of crimson and was hushing them "shut up!" He said flustered. "Well if you don't want her that's good"-a strong voice said behind you -"cause' I sure as hell do" the man grabbed your wrists and you squealed, Alexander jumped up "Guys!!" He tried to get the attention of his comrades. They all looked at him than nodded in unison.you were taken into a closet room and locked in it, the dark engolfing you. A tear rolled down your hot red cheeks.
(Btw, before you were locked in the closet they gagged you)
You squirmed around but you fell to the floor, face first...ouch.
You whimpered and silently cried as you heard glass breaking and thuds, since you were un-aware of what was happening .
The last thought that came to mind was..
'Please....be ok...'
You soon blacked out.

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