Unknown Reaction (ch12)

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Readers POV.
I stared at the back of lafayette's head hoping he would look back at me... he didn't... but I had some hope he would do the right thing. Although unbeknownst to me I didn't even know what the wrong thing would be. It seemed like he had the intention to harm. But that couldn't be.. he's too nice of a person to do wrong, right?

I heard mumbling between the two. A conversation just above a whisper. I couldn't make out any of the words being exchanged between the two. My mind was racing, "what do i do?" Was the only thought in my mind. I felt my whole body quake as Lafayette turned to me, slowly and eerily he walked towards me. "L-laf please, be reasonable.." i said with a quiver in my voice.
He didn't say a word as he came closer to me. In a sudden rush he clasped my wrist in his large hands and yanked me out of bed. I landed on the floor with my wrist still in his hand. "Ugh!" I let out a pained noise. "Lafayette, stop!!" I squealed as he yanked me back up and put me over his shoulder. He walked out of my house with Lee leading the way. "Where are you taking me..?" I asked, somehow expecting a reply. Of course, i didn't get one.
"Knock her out. She talks too much" stated Lee in a demanding voice.
After he said that I started to shake. How was he gonna do it?? Will it even work? Lafayette slowly repositioned as he threw me against a tree, head first. I immediately knocked out as my head started to bleed.
What's going to happen now...?
Those were some of the last thoughts i had before losing consciousness.

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