Spooky, But Harmless

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This story belongs to CrazygirlAuto5 on DeviantArt.


Frisk tried to sit up, but she was so tired from being pushed around by the bullies who had pushed her down into a hole she had found. She had landed not too long after she had fallen, but she was a bit bruised and sore. She then closed her eyes.

Something brushed some of her hair from her face and she opened her eyes to see a skeleton looming over her. She then realized she couldn't move and found both her arms and legs in casts and tried to move. "Child, stop squirming," said the skeleton as he gently held her shoulders down and saw her face filled with fear. "Shh," he said, sitting down beside her. "Relax. Take a breath."

Frisk swallowed and took a deep breath. "Good girl," he said. "You're already under a bit of stress. You don't need more of it."

She looked at him. "What do you mean? Who are you? Where am I?" She asked.

"You have a few broken bones," said the skeleton. "Two in each of your arms and one in each of your legs."

Frisk looked upset at that and saw the skeleton had holes in the palms of his hands and gasped. He gave her a curious look and then chuckled. "Oh, my hands," he said. "An accident from long ago."

He then ruffled her hair. "To answer your other questions, I'm Dr. Gaster and you are in my lab in my brothers' and my home," he said.

Frisk began shivering and he noticed. "You don't need to be scared of me or my brothers, little one," he said, but he saw that she was still a bit scared. Her stomach then growled. "Oh, that reminds me. You suffered some severe bruising on your stomach to the point that your stomach can't handle anything but liquids for a bit."

Frisk looked surprised. "How badly am I hurt?" She asked.

"You'll be healing for a while, but you'll survive, little one," he said. "By the way, what is your name?"

"Frisk," she said before her stomach growled again. Gaster smiled a little before sighing lightly.

"I hope you don't object to my feeding you," he said. "I'd rather not place a feeding tube in you."

Frisk shuddered a little. "You wouldn't do that. Would you?" She asked.

"If you had stayed unconscious any longer, probably," he admitted. "You were unconscious for almost two days."

The young girl looked surprised and then saw him set down something on the table nearby before sitting down beside her, adjusting the hospital-like bed so that she was sitting up before feeding her what she recognized to be tomato soup. She then realized something.

"Um, how did I get here?" She asked.

Gaster chuckled. "My brother, Sans, found you," he said. "He got you to me after you fell down the hole leading to here."

Frisk gasped. "You're a monster!" She exclaimed in horror.

Gaster flinched at her cry and saw she renewed her struggling despite the casts weighing her down and the pain she was in from struggling. "Frisk, please," he said, easily grabbing her and pinning her down. "You're badly injured."

She began shaking and started to cry. Gaster lifted her up gently, being mindful of the casts, and held her, rocking her gently, holding her head gently against his shoulder. "Shh," he said. "Calm down, little one."

Frisk hiccupped a bit and felt Gaster rub her back, which helped her to calm down a bit more and she looked up at him as he gazed down at her. "Are you...a monster?" She asked timidly now.

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