Chapter 22

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It was the next day in which I told that c*nt Andy that I will meet him. I decided to take the day off cause after this I am going shopping with Anong. She and Edson finally agreed on a wedding date plus she is feeling stressed about who she is going to make her maid of honor so it will be a day to relax for the both of us Lord knows I will need it. But before that I have to take Kaarina to her doctors appointment we found out that she is pregnant with Triplets at least something good is happening in her life that reminds me I haven't been feeling well lately I might as well get checked out I was finishing get dressed and because I was feeling poorley lately I put on a loose fitting dress. I told Kaarina I will pick her up as I pull up to her town house

 I told Kaarina I will pick her up as I pull up to her town house

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She was coming out her with her would be mother-in-law. She has been doing better than before I walked over and said my hellos "thanks for taking me today" she said while we were getting in the car.

"What are you talking about your my sister and you know I would be there for anyone of you guys or my friends"

"I know it's just my hormones and therapy along with the meds you know what I mean"

"Yeah do you want to meet up later with me and Anong to go shopping"

"How come not after we're done at the hospital"

"To be honest I meet Andy the other day on the job site and he asked me to have lunch to talk"

"Why the hell did you agree to meet that a**hole after what he and that b*tch did."

"I didn't want to but because of him I got a taste of true love and I am still standing even better than I  have been"

"You know what you're right" like Lady luck was on my side Elton John - I'm still standing started to play on my music selection I had playing. And we both started singing.

We reach the hospital I accompany her to the doctor's office were they proceed with the check up I told her I am going to sign up to see a doctor as well because I have not been feeling well and I will be back before her check up ended she told me ok.

After we were done with her we went to see what was wrong with me. We were both sitting waiting for the doctor just then the door open and Parker walked in.

"What are you doing here."

"Well hello to you too" he says while rolling his eyes why this...

"You know what I mean"

"You do know this is the hospital I work in"

"Ohh yeah anyway can I get another doctor"

"Camille will am a doctor you know but if you want another doctor I will see if I can get someone else to handle your case"

"Camille he is our brother come on would it be more comfortable with him" Kaarina said

"No Kaarina apperantly she thinks I am incompetent"

"Parker sorry it's not that, it's just I am late and it's been three months Adrianus and I have been together, you can still check me out"

"Ohh okay well I will order for a blood test, urine test and just in case an ultrasound anyway." he said with a wink and a smile and left when he came back he asked "how have you been feeling"

"Well I have been nauseous lately, dizzy, mood swings"

"Any fatigue or breasts tenderness"

"Dr.Alexander we are ready to do the test"

"Okay thanks Dede"

"Come this way" I had the two tests done and we were back in his office

"Well sis it seems you're pregnant congrats" and he started to laugh wait until the parents here this I told him that I will kill him and barrey him where no one will ever find him. Then he told me to relax that it is not good for the baby and he is a doctor ( doctor patient confident ).

With that we left the hospital I drop Kaarina back home and told her we meet later to go shopping. I need to tell Adrianus about this then everyone else. But before that I have to have lunch with the a**. when I reach the restaurant I asked to be shown to his table he was already there. I'm amazed normally he is was always late he must want some thing as I sit down and before he could talk I asked

"So what is it that you want to talk about or should I say what do you want"

"I just wanted to catch up is that so wrong look to tell you the truth Karen wants to talk to you about being our daughter Abby's godmother" he said with closing his eyes like he was about to be slap

"Are you f*cking kidding me don't get me wrong I can muster talking to you now but this sh*t"

"I told her you wouldn't be pleased"

"You're dam right about that"

"I may not be angry to the extent of wanting to kill you evertime I see you but this"

"I know what happened between us and what I did must have hurt but can't we put it behind us"

"You stupid piece of sh*t"


"Don't you dare raise your voice to me and don't you dare or think of interrupting me while I am talking. You will speak when I tell you to do I make myself clear"


"No you could never know what I felt like when you did what you did you are as cold as ice you heartless piece of sh*t, you are nothing but a reck of a mistake I made in life. But look at me now I better than ever finally got a taste of what true love is and if you need to know I am still standing you are nothing but a fading memory. I picked up the pieces of my life with out you even on my mind yeah I survived an I feel better than ever ohh you though I would be weak with out you but I am so much stronger because of that, in fact I have grown and now much more wiser because of it. I am so over what you did me in fact you did me a good taking your filthy a** out of my life. An if Karen wants me to be the godmother of her child she should be a real woman about it and meet me herself. You can speak now"

"I knew you wouldn't want the both of us in you're life any more but no one wants us around them. Non of her or my friends that also know you wants to know us or be Abby's God parent's my mom doesn't even want to know Abby we thought if everyone saw you getting along with us they will come around.

I know what I did to you Camille was hurtful and horrible and if I could turn back time I would tell you the truth an never hurt you like that. So from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry for my actions and heartless behavior." He said with tears running down his face the proud, prideful and stupid man now knows how to apologise

"Hmm I accept your apology but I still don't think I can be friends with the both of you but if Karen really want me to be you guys daughter Godmother tell her to meet me for brunch in two days."

"Oh she will" after we had lunch and I try to be civil with him because some of our clients are the same I left for my car

With that I head of to have my girls shopping day but before I got into my car I got a text from Wendy telling me she wanted to give me a little some thing as a thank you gift.

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