What He Wants

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"Hello, my name is Namjoon and I'm assuming yours is Seokjin?" I just nod because my mouth isn't functioning right now. His husky voice makes me feel hot all of a sudden, smiling as I feel my ears turn red.

I nod and take his hand lightly and shake it. He sits down across from me and keeps smiling. A thought goes through my head 'How can he be so smiley'?

"Have you already ordered?" He asks.

I shake my head and he stands up again while taking my hand and dragging me over to the order station. I blush furiously when I feel his fingers intertwine with mine as he orders two of what he wants.

And in all honesty, I love this. I can't concentrate anyway so I don't think I can have even think of what to order.

Once we have our food I start to bring out my wallet with my free hand but he stops me and hands the lady his card. I look at him questioningly, opening my mouth to ask when, but he just simply shrugs and says, "This is on me."

I pout, wanting to pay for it myself. His smile somehow gets brighter and he gently squeezes my hand.

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