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I hear the door open and look up to see an elderly couple walk in. I smile at how cute they are with their hands intertwined together as they slowly make their way up to the front to order.

I want a relationship like that. Where your other half stays with you forever. I then started to hate that even they can have a relationship and not me.

I sigh and look back at my phone, going through more pictures of my friends and their significant others.

When the door opens again, I decide to look up from my phone and I'm glad I do. I see a tall man with purple hair, black skinny jeans although these aren't ripped at the knees and a jean jacket with a red shirt underneath. If he turns out to my date, then I will need to thank Kai for setting me up with what I assume is a model.

I kind of secretly hope that it is my blind date and also don't. I know I am going to have a hard time concentrating if he is.

He looks around the restaurant until his eyes meet mine and he gives me a soft smile. My heart skips a beat and almost makes me melt into the chair I am sitting in. How can one man's smile affect me so much? He starts walking towards me and puts out a hand for me to shake.

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