Panda Express

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"I got to go now. But how do I know who he is?" I ask Kai, still a little ticked he refused to even hint to as of what the man he set me up with looks like.

Kai smirks and sits down on my bed. "That would take the fun out of everything! Besides, he will find you. He knows what you look like."

I glare at him and throw a hat that was on my armrest at him.

He laughs and catches it before it hits his face. "Now you know he wants you. He didn't back out when he saw your face!"

"Why can't I know what he looks like then!" I nearly yell the words at him, obviously peeved.

"Just shut up and go before you are late." He says, shrugging me off.

I roll my eyes and put on my shoes. I grab my phone and my wallet as I walk out of my room and then out of my house. It only takes a couple of minutes to get to Panda Express and I think I'm a little early since no one is here except for me and the workers.

I pick a table in the corner and wait while going through my Instagram. There is a new picture of my younger brother, Jungkook, and his boyfriend, Taehyung, and I can't believe he got one before I did. Although, they are adorable. I must admit.

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