The Cast

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Faisal Uribe:

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Faisal Uribe:

Is eighteen years old. He is street smart, loyal, headstrong, brash and volatile, and can get mad easily when provoked. He tends to use his fists more than his head which at times lands him in a lot of trouble, but is also known to be kind-hearted and very loving, especially with those he holds dear and can be very protective as well. He has a strained relationship with his mom, but has a close relationship with his half-sister Piper and had a close relationship with his stepfather before passing away. He loves horses and is experienced in horseback riding and once had the dream of becoming an Endurance Rider. He is also an avid practitioner of Martial Arts, skateboarding and various other sports, and is also a poet – and admires Sheikh Hamdan "Fazza" the Crown Prince of Dubai, for this reason.

He is of Mexican and Lebanese descent from his mom's side and takes pride in his being Arab and Hispanic.

Under false pretenses, his mom takes him and his sister to Dubai to an annual endurance event, as his mom is a former Endurance Rider. There, he learns that his mom has had a lifelong friendship with Sheikh Hamdan, which is a big surprise to him. However, things change for him the moment his mom reveals a deep and dark secret that turns his world upside down and that ultimately leads to her deciding to leave him in the Prince's care – thus coming to the conclusion that he's been blindsided. This angers him deeply, further deteriorating his already strained relationship with his mom.

He is also in a relationship with a girl named Melanie Haddad and is best friends with her older brother Gabriel. However, their relationship is challenged by another royal prince – Sheikh Khalil bin Mohammed Al Maktoum – who attempts to take her for himself.

 However, their relationship is challenged by another royal prince – Sheikh Khalil bin Mohammed Al Maktoum – who attempts to take her for himself

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Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum (Fazza):

Is the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai, as well as an Endurance Champ. Per Isabella Uribe's request – Faisal's mom – he takes her son in to live with him in the palace after a life-altering secret is revealed to the boy. He is known for being kind and loving, but can also get angry and distant when people betray his trust, especially when he is lied to.

Like Faisal and his mom, he oftentimes clashes with his father, the Emir of Dubai and does not always see eye to eye with him.

He attempts to get close to Faisal by including him in some of his royal duties but he proves to be a tough knot to untie at first. Therefore, he has to exercise patience with him until he gets on his nerves one day and scolds him out.

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