Well...It's been a minute

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It's been quite a while since I opened up this story, much less add a new story part. I kind of neglected this story and never paid attention to it. I stopped on the actual ending to Eoin as a character. But I was struggling so much to write how I wanted that version of Eoin to end. It was a complex ending and I couldn't get it right. So I ended up putting it down and picking up over the years.

Recently, I have been revisiting the early pages of this story and I can see so much of my early writing struggling to be consistent. There's so much that I want to redo so that Eoin can be an even better character. So...I decided to re-edit this story. Well, it's gonna end up feeling like a completely different story sans a couple of parts that are too good.

My main goals are to tone down the dramatics. I think it's just a lot of convenience and some unnecessary parts. Also, to add more consistency to the plot. I ended up adding an extra chapter in between Act 1 and 2, which disrupted Act 2 and on. Eoin killed someone before the two robbers entered his home. Plus...Finn's reaction to Eoin sentencing people to death wasn't...normal... It made Finn kinda psycho in hindsight, my bad. I might end up extending the story to more than 5 acts.

On the topic of reinventing the story, Part Two. I will be transferring it to a separate story entry, instead of at the end of the first story. It was distracting and not in line with the original story. It should stick to just an extra and not canon. It was just a what-if. I will redo that part as well but not quickly. The main focus is on redoing the original plot.

I think that's it. I don't know how many people still have Free will in their libraries and will read this. If you're just someone who has discovered this for the first time, uh, you get to re-read it soon? Or you can wait for it to be rewritten, either way.

So, I guess whenever it's ready, I hope you read it?

EDIT: obviously I've not gotten to the rewrite... so I've decided to publish the current chapters again. I've currently been focusing on fan fiction and smaller projects. I definitely want to rewrite this but obviously that's not really going well in my schedule. If you've loved the story, I hope getting it back fills you with joy. I might publish the current fan fiction I've written—there's a lot of it—here on Wattpad, but we'll see.

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