Act 1.5: The Day That Time Forgot

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I watched the crowds pass by me, unaware of the little demon they had under their noses. Each mother, father, son, daughter, crook, and victim moving along the procession of like-minded people.

I snuck away from the estate again and made my way to the cesspool of lab rats, the mall. The place was filled to the brim with unsuspecting shoppers. With no parent to keep the ship afloat, I need to flex my powers in order to survive after the money runs out.

My first two cycles, I successfully coaxed money out of two women with just a little suggestion. Anger didn't fuel me as I shamelessly pocketed the money and melted back into the crowd. I was in control for the most part, no remorse.

I eyed the surrounding shops, waiting for a mostly empty one. My sight landed on a fairly empty jewellery store, two customers in the far back. Perfect for my next experiment, coercing items and erasing memory.

Walking swiftly, I entered the store. The cashier threw a cautious smile before putting her attention back at the remaining customers. The young couple oversaw a glass case of embellished rings, pointing and talking quietly amongst themselves. I wandered over to them and whispered between them.

"Stay here and go on like nothing's wrong. You shall buy the most beautiful ring in this case and go about your day when I leave."

Their conversation stuttered before continuing like their minds weren't being controlled.

I made my way back to the front, stopping in front of a case of less sparkly rings. Eyeing a selection of gem and mineral encircled gold rings, the cashier moved towards me.

"Anything catch your eye?" She asked cheerfully.

I lowered my voice to appear less pubescent teen. "Yes, these rings please."

She opened the case and took out the padded display bed. Placing it on the counter, she closed the compartment.

The 6 rings laid glimmering in the florescent lights of the store. One as red as blood, one as blue as Aruba waters, one as white as milk, one as green as an evergreen forest, one as purple as lavenders in the spring, and, lastly, one as black as darkness.

The black ring shined with a mute glow. The richest and purest of the bunch. No discoloration, exposure to other colors, or transparency. Just pure void.

"What is the substance of this one?" I inquired.

"Obsidian from Mt. Vesuvius, I believe. Polished and cut by diamonds!" She answered.

I reached for the ring. "Do you mind?"

She shook her head. I pulled the ring out of its holding place and weighed it thoughtfully in my palm. Picking it up with my thumb and middle finger, I slid the ring slowly onto my right ring finger. The fit gave just enough give to make room for my impending growth spurts but not enough to slide annoyingly up and down my finger.

"It's perfect," I breathed as I stared at the ring longingly.

"Alright, I'll box that up for you," she announced.

I placed the ring in her hand as she produced a blue velvet ring box. She gingerly slid it into its place and walked to the register to ring it up.

"That'll be 1,250.25 pounds. Would that be cash or credit?"

Moment of truth.

"How about neither?"

She narrowed her eyes and attempted to subtly reach for the box.

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