Meeting the queen (Day 2)

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Jay wakes up from a female xenomorph, the same one from yesterday he pissed off. Surprised she hasn't murdered him yet. "Ummm hello?" He said to her confused and a bit scared that she might be playing a mind game on him.

"No sleeping in slave, you got work to do!" She said and then punch's him in the face "and that was from your stunt from yesterday" she said with a grow

Jay whimpers and hold his face in pain from the punch. He looks at her with an unhappy look, though she didn't care how he felt.

She walks to the opened cell do and looks at him still in bed whimpering "come on! Want anything punch in the face?!" She yelled at him.

Jay sighs and gets up slowly and follows her again to his working station. still the only human there he sees as he walks down to the end of the hall then gets a pickaxe from another xenomorph then follows the female xeno to the same tunnel from yesterday and starts working.

A few hours pass, jay still only managed to get a few inched further and was tired out of his mind. He stopped and laid against the wall to his left after setting the pickaxe against the wall.

The female xeno looks at him of course and then walks up to him. "What are you doing?!?! Who told you that you could stop!?" She yelled at him, not to loud to the point others down the other side of the tunnel could hear, just loud enough to scare him.

"I'm just taking a break, I'm tired" jay respond back to her. Wiping some sweat off his forehead.

she looks at him and growls "get back to work now!" She said in his face.

"Ok geez!" Jay said and picks up the pickaxe and gets back to work. As he wrong and was mumble "stupid alien, stop being a little bitch"
She didn't hear him thankfully.

Some more time Passes and a male xenomorph walks up to the female xeno and tells her "the queen wants to see the human" and then he Walks away.

She sighs and gets up. She walks to him "the queen wants to see you" she said

Jay looks at her and nods, setting the pickaxe down and follows the xenomorph to the queen. Already nervous since the queen wants to see him. 'I've only been here two days and the queen wants to see me already?!?' He thought to himself.

Soon getting in front of the queen and blushes from how she looks. 20 feet tall, big breast and a beautiful face, looking like she works out too. Jay instantly gets a boner staring at her and covers his area up to prevent the queen from seeing.

"Umm hello" jay said nervously while having a blush on his face. Also seeing behind her throne she has an egg sack that is laying eggs, going from pussy, between her legs and out behind her.

She Looks at him with a smirk at him "hello human, I've heard you've been quite the trouble maker" she said

Jay was nervous and scared, so he nods and looks down in shame to do his best not to piss her off. "Y-Yea I have" he said.

"Now tell me why'd you come in our territory?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

Jay looks up and sees she looks like a cute curious puppy dog. 'She's so cute, I want to please her' he thought to himself. "w-well was lost and I didn't know I was in your territory my queen" he said and looks down in shame thinking it was a good move, indeed it was.

She smirks "well I see you've been taught well to respect me, but since you invaded our territory, by accident or purposely you still will stay and join our have a punishment" she said to him.

Jay nods and sighs "I understand, I'm sorry my queen" he said keeping his head down in a shameful way.

"So since you will stay here and you worked hard enough the past two days I'll let you out of the cells for now" she said.

Jay heard this and got a little excited and nods "yes and thank you my queen" he said for the kind offer, knowing "my queen" at the end of every reply is the best thing to say to her to get on her good side.

"Now this male..." she points to him "...xenomorph will lead you to your bed" she said.

Jay nods and then was sent off to follow the male xeno. Seeing some of the hive he hasn't seen yet as well. Soon he comes to his bed. It was the first level bed out of six.

The bed was carved into the wall, being five feet wide and three feet tall, enough room to sleep in, and then there's a one and a half foot of spacing from each level of a sleeping box.

There were also many many rows of bed too, the hall was so long that he didn't know if it ended or not. It's just a straight path and then sees an end and splits into three more paths.

"Here's your sleeping box, now get some rest and be ready for tomorrow" he said and walks off.

Jay nods and looks at it and gets on the hard, flat stone surface, somehow it was more comfortable then his cells stone bed. Laying on his back and looks at the ceiling. He sighs and thinks about his family as he may not see them ever again. He'll just have to figure that out another day.

Jay lays there for a bit before he started getting tired. He closes his eyes and falls asleep for the night.

Female xenomorph x maleKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat