chapter one

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I'm having to delete a recent influx of comments comparing my fic Bitchin' to another fic here on wattpad. Having your work compared to another one or called a "[insert title] 2.0" is hurtful to me as an author. In the same vein, I would hope none of you go to the other author's fic and comment "bitchin 2.0" or "bitchin' vibes" bc that would completely undermine the talent and hours that author put into their fic.

Please just enjoy the two fics as the two separate stories that they are. So again, if you're going to comment on my fic "omg another version of [someone else's oc]" please don't. These are my original characters.

And to be completely frank, my fic is older than the fic you guys are comparing it to so how can my character/fic possibly be a 2.0? Ahh idk guys, I just ask that you please, please appreciate my fic for what it is and not for what isn't.

I hope that didn't come off too mean! I really do love you guys so so much! ^-^

Sending all of my love always and NOW TO THE STORY!


12:16 pm.

The time on the clock was glaring at you, a silent caution that today's lab was going to totally suck.

You could feel irritation start to eat away at you. You and your best friend, Yara, had a deal. She would show up to the dissection today and, in exchange, you would gladly do all the work. But given that class would start in four minutes, you had a sneaking suspicion that Yara was going to in fact skip class after all.

You let your chin sink down into the comfort of your open palm, eyes flickering once again towards the black and white clock that was perched up above the classroom's blackboard. Usually, you could hear each small tick of time, but seeing as this lab was more exciting, every student in the room was currently chatting amongst their peers, covering the clock's sound.

You considered for a moment making conversation with your professor. That idea was quickly squashed once you realized that he too was preoccupied – his attention set on the clock as well, allowing the minute hand to make its final journey before beginning the class.

Suddenly, you realized that not only had Yara left you alone, but she had also left you without a partner to do the dissection. You glanced around the room, frowning as you saw that every other table was evenly numbered, meaning you would be forced to join a random pair to make a group of three.


"Good afternoon, everyone." Mr. Kim began, pausing to take a swig from his coffee mug. "I hope everyone remembered today's dissection and is dressed appropriately. If anyone isn't wearing actual shoes, then I suggest you beat it unless you're particularly amped at the idea of losing a toe when someone accidentally drops their scalpel."

A few isolated giggles rang out, but no one made any move to leave.

"No one? Radical. Feet are gross anyway–"

The sound of the classroom door suddenly being pushed open stole away everyone's attention. The late boy that walked in froze momentarily, clearly not expecting all eyes to fall onto him, but quickly regained his composure as he flashed a smile.

"Sorry I'm late, Seokjin." He apologized lazily.

"Better late than never, Jeon." Mr. Kim acknowledged briefly, raising an eyebrow. "Although, if you call me Seokjin again then you'll be the next thing I have the class dissect."

The threat was empty and pulled a shared laugh from the students, including the one it was directed at.

You hardly had time to laugh yourself because before you knew it, the boy was headed towards your table.

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