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Winston walked alongside Monty who was describing his last football game plan. He's been excited by it for weeks. It's a shame football season was almost over because it was amongst a few things Monty actually liked.

"So, that's the game plan" Monty smirked into the distance. Winston chuckled and nodded.

"Were should we go? I heard about this macaroon place down town. We should go" Monty gave him a nudge with his shoulder.

"I mean I do have homework" Winston joked. Monty frowned and continued walking on the sidewalk.

"I'm joking. Let's go" Winston and Monty walked and talked until they got to this cafe that had cats roaming around.

"You didn't tell me there were going to be cats here!" Winston ran and picked up the chubbiest one. He had a black coat with a white eyebrows. Winston would say they were on fleek.

"I'm gonna get ya some macaroons, be right back" Monty walked over the the cashier and ordered. Winston found some cat toys and started playing. Everything was perfect.

"Macaroons are done" Monty said. Winston got up and walked over to the booth Monty was sitting. He had cat fur all over him and a feisty cat did scratch him, but it wasn't that bad. Monty waited for Winston to pick first. He grabbed one that had a little bird on it. It was so cute. How much do people get paid to do this?

"These are good" Winston said as he stuffed another one down his throat. Monty smiled and nibbled on one.

"So, any girls your interested in?" Winston asked with a sly smile. Monty panicked, but didn't show it.

"No," was all Monty said about the subject. Winston didn't buy it, but he left it at that. Straight boys were so confusing. He was surprised on how they even became friends.

He remembered it was the summertime and there was a carnival in town. Everyone was excited for it. Winston decided to go with some of his art friends. It was Karla, Hartley, and himself. He was pretty much third wheeling.

He sneak off the go home, but he ran into Monty. At first Monty seemed mean, but they hung around at the carnival together and then they became friends. He asked Monty where he was going to that night and he said he was trying to get away from his friends, too.

"Earth to Winston" Monty waves his hands in front of his face. Winston's eyes snapped up.

"Hmm?" Monty looked away and smiled. Winston continued, "Like I was saying, we should go to the carnival coming up" Winston nodded and ate another macaroon.

It would be fun, it's were they met, too.

"Yeah, but I call any teddy bear you win" Winston said as he got up and stretched. His shirt rode up a little bit and Monty stared. He quickly looked away before Winston noticed.

"Sure" Monty's has blush running across his face. Winston pulled down his shirt and smiled. Hopefully, he could win a big teddy bear. One that was so big that he couldn't hold it.

"Sounds like a plan. Oh, I got to go. My art friends are expecting me at this art show" Winston checked his watch.

"Okay, mind if I walk you there?" Monty asked. He didn't want the day to be over with Winston.

"Sure, but I got to run home and change" Winston explained.

"I'll still come"

Monty left with Winston to his house. They took the bus and talked all the way over. The trip seemed faster than usual with Monty's company. Most of the time it seemed like decades before he got home.

"Hurry up, slowpoke" Winston ran into his house and up the stairs. Monty followed closely behind and shoot the door. Monty tackles him onto the bed and started to tickle him.

"Stop!" Winston laughed. Monty stoped and just stared into his eyes. He just realized the position they were in. Winston was underneath him, looking beautiful. He couldn't help himself. He leaned in for a quick kiss. Winston was still in shock from the kiss. Monty took that as a bad sign. He got off Winston and sat up on the bed.

"Sorry" Monty said quietly as he fiddled with his ring. Winston sat beside and kissed Monty's cheek. Monty's face blushed. He looked over at him with a questioning stare.

Winston gave him a kiss on the lips this time. Monty leaned into the kiss, with more confidence.

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