Dreamers Die Young

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Dreaming a new world was something Monty was good at. Dreaming his dad was actually a good parent and his mom was loving. Dreaming he didn't have to feel ashamed of himself.

As a dreamer he loved sleeping. He would sleep whenever he had the chance, which was rare because of his parents yelling. He tried to hum himself asleep, but there yelling was getting louder and louder. He sat up from his bed and made his way to his window. He snuck out and went to go see Winston.

He messaged him that he was coming. Winston seemed pleased he was coming. Honestly, Winston was the only reason he was still living. He would've been dead months ago, but Winston came into his life. He loved Winston. Winston was so beautiful and thoughtful. He listened to him when he felt the need to talk. Winston never pushed Monty into talking when he didn't want to. He said "Whenever your ready" and would kiss his forehead.

He lightly tapped Winston's window. He was greeted with a smile from the other side.

"Come in already. I wanna cuddle" Winston opened his window and watched Monty climb in. He instantly gave him a kiss when he was inside the building. Monty smiled and gave him a hug. He really needed to be with Winston right now.

Winston was the big spoon. Winston started to play with his hair. Running his fingers through it until it was soft and puffy. Winston phone buzzed. Winston grabbed it and started texting someone. Monty didn't think much of it. He fell asleep cuddling a pillow.

He woke up in the middle of the night with Winston gone. He looked around for him, but he didn't find him. He texted him multiple times, but was left on red. Monty began to worry until he heard his phone ring. He immediately answered when it was Winston.

"Where are you?" Monty asked with a worried tone. He heard Winston laugh on the other line.

"Don't worry I'm at-" Winston hiccuped and giggled. Monty started to get anxious. Winston seemed drunk. He was stumbling over his words and laughing randomly.

"Babe, who you talking to?" Monty heard a guy's voice on the other line. His heart instantly broke.

"No one" Winston whispered. Monty started to cry. He hung up and left Winston's house. He couldn't believe he was cheating on him. Was he not good enough? Of course he wasn't good enough. He'll never be good enough.

Monty walked home and was greeted by his drunken dad. He instantly got a punch to the face.

"Where the hell were you, faggot!!?" his dad yelled. He didn't get a chance to answer back because he was punched again. His dad started kicking him repeatedly until he was tired and left Monty on the ground. Monty would fight back, but he was to heartbroken to do anything.

Monty made his way up to his room and slowly closed the door. He went to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He grabbed his razor from under the sink. He sat on the floor. He contemplated what to do. Should he do it? There was obviously nothing left for him in this world. His boyfriend was cheating on him. His mother wasn't caring. Neither was his father.

He began crying as he sliced through his skin. He cut deeper and deeper. Pretty soon he couldn't feel his arms. Blood was surrounding him. He cried and cried. This is what he gets for being a fool. Of course he would never be happy. Monty closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber he would never wake up from.

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