Chp.4 Da "Originals"

Start from the beginning

Is- is that how voids are made...? Destruction of a single universe? Just who is this "Fate"?

The once pearly white skeleton, was now black-boned, and was trapped with eternal tears that now formed blue lines over his face. His name was error, the papyrus was named
Clock, and the two skeletons that were saved were Geno and Fresh. Yes, this is our story. This is the untold story of the "Soulless monster" Error.

I stared at the paper in shock, tears started streaming down as the others looked at me perplexed. Oh god, why didn't he just tell me? Error...


As you probably already know, I'm already dead. I jumped into the void, I got tired of the pain, the suffering... I hated it.
But... i still didn't blame Ink...

The tears started coming down more harshly, I was losing it. What have I done...? Even- even after all I've done to you, you still forgive m e...?

Ink. I've deserved every last bit of it. All of it. Nothing could make up for the damage I've done, nothing could be better. Ink... your creativity has no bounds, I've admired you despite being enemies, you've inspired me so much. I've loved your work for many years, and I've loved your creations and amazing storytelling... not like I have a lot of time to actually enjoy it as you come to every Au I walk into.

He- he loved my work...? He admired me...? Error... please...
I'm sorry...

The multiverse was like a cup, the brim being the limit, the water being the universes alike and the cup containing the water was the multiverse. Too much universes would cause the the cup to spill, allowing original Au's to "spill", or get destroyed, and causes a chain reaction destroying copies of that Au, which could cause chaos. The main reason why I was here to destroy to keep the balance in check.

I- I never knew to much creation could cause this... I'm such an idiot...

Whoever is reading this- please tell the Chara's, the gang, blue, and my brothers, I'll miss them...

3rd pov

Ink was beyond shocked, he didn't know, he never did... it was all his fault... Geno clutched his head as tears fell like a torrential rain for the four of them. Classic picked up the note, and he too cried. They've tortured an innocent monster all these years, heck, they even did a full on war against him... and they never listened.

"Do you understand now...?" Fresh said as shivers went down everyone's spine, fresh dropped his 90's lingo completely, it was like he was an emotionless husk. Silence was all that was heard, so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. A portal opened revealing six chara's with blank expressions. "Why...? WHY...! HOW COULD YOU HAVE DONE THIS!?" the original Chara yelled, wielding a knife that was about to strike as shift (storyshift chara) and a black tentacle tried to held her back.

Classic really couldn't blame them, they were the ones at fault.
"WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HIM!? HE'S NOTHING MORE THAN A SOULLESS MONSTER LIKE YOU ALL ARE!" Fell yelled, chara clutched her skull screaming "SH͠͏͝Ứ̴̸T̴͞͝ U͞P͢,̴̡̨̢͞͏͝ ̷̸͜ SḨ̴̵̵̢͢͢UT̴̷̶̨̧̕͢ ̷́͢͡҉UP̷͢҉͝,̶̴͟͝ ͏̡̢͝͝S̸̵̢̡͠H̀U͢T̷̡̧͘͢͜͠͝ ̛̕͜ UP̴̶̡̧͟͜͜͝!̸̴͡!̶ ̶̧̛́̕͢ Ỳ̷́͢͡͞OÚ͏̶̸͢͡  D̷̴̢́́͘͠O͏͝͏̵Ņ̴̴̶̵͟͞'̡T ̶̸̀̕͠҉Ķ̀N͡OW̸̴̶̴̧͘  ̸̴̡̡́͞͡͠AN̸̴̡̨͟͞͡Y̕͏͟͞T̢̕H̸̢̕͟͡I̴̧̧̕̕͢͢͞Ǹ́͘͏͜G̢͟!̧!̵̵̡́̀͟!" The charas grimaced, it was true, they really don't know anything. "Ỳ̴O͏̵̧́U͏͘͡ D̛O̷̧N'̵͏̧̡͝T ̶̶̢K͡͡N̨̕͜͜͡O̡W̵͡͡͡ À̷̕NYŢ̴̧͢HIN͜͜G͏!!͟͞" Chara screamed.

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