On a Thursday

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I'll return soon. That's what I promised myself, almost two weeks ago, when I first discovered this quaint little cafe a block from my apartment. I really did intend on returning within a few days, but one appointment led to another, and work was piling up. When I did have time to go, my longing to curl up in a cocoon of blankets always won out. 

But pace is back to normal now. My manager is finally satisfied with the final draft of my next few chapters. She'd better be, after making me rewrite it seven times. I swear if she nitpicks over one more detail...

Nope, not gonna think about work today. Today I just want to relax and enjoy this peace. Kafe Magik is as quiet as it was last time. The plant girl isn't here though. I don't know why, but I'm a little disappointed. It'd be fun to elaborate on her story some more. But there are three other patrons here, somehow all just as interesting as she was. The most intriguing one, though, is the man hiding in the opposite corner. 

He looks to be in his late twenties. Very pale. Does this guy ever get outside? There's no way any human being could be THAT deathly pale. But here he is, proving me wrong even as I type. His hair is pale too, but not white. Like a barely blond kind of pale. Maybe he's one of those rare albino people? That'd be cool. I've never actually met someone like that in person. I wonder what life is like for him? 

If he were born a few hundred years ago, all the gentry would be jealous of his pale skin. He would be the heart breaker of the French bourgeoisie. He'd sweep into the ballroom, fashionably late, as ladies instantly swooned at the sight of him. Perhaps he'd graciously accept their attention, handing out compliments and letting them believe they had a chance. Mothers would look on with anything from horror to joy as he deemed them worthy of his advances, some hopeful he would take a greater interest, and others disgusted at his womanizing. 

Ah, but a plot twist! He has no real intention of satisfying any woman there. No, it is merely an act to satisfy the polite society his parents insist he interacts with. He knows he will have to marry one of them eventually, but as he has no interest in the matter, he'll leave that up to his father. Let them make a match to increase their social standing, he doesn't care. Being married to a woman will be miserable regardless of their choice. 

But there is another option. His secret desire, which he nurses quietly, where no one can see. No one, except for the kind, handsome gardener boy, who has always been a close friend. His mother always frowned on their friendship, but never had any good reason to stop it. If only she knew. But she didn't know, and she must never. Never, until the day he finally found the courage to leave with him. Run away, and live happily with the only one he ever truly loved.  

Ah, forbidden romance. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. But now that I study him a little closer, his clothes remind of a gentleman from the 1940's. Button up cotton shirt, high wasted slacks; both pale, almost white. Not like a pastel pale, but as if the color has been fading for years. 

He must have felt my eyes on him, because he looks up and locks eyes with me. Those eyes... Usually, it'd be impossible to tell what color someone's eyes are from across the room. But such a bright, vivid blue stands out in sharp contrast against the pale backdrop that he is. A look of confusion crosses his face, but quickly disappears. His head snaps back down and he returns to reading his news paper, but it is obvious he is desperately trying to ignore me. 

Hmmm. Blue eyes and yellow hair, early 1900's clothing. Yes, I think I know a story that would fit him much better. Imagine, a bright young fellow sauntering down the street with his friends, simply enjoying being young in post-war Germany. It's been only a few days since Hitler has been voted into office, and people are still celebrating, sure he will bring Germany into prosperity once more. This young man is hoping for that as well. But his hope doesn't last long. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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