Chapter 28

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Third POV.

Ruth, Jeremy, Elena and Matt are helping take Jenna home, Ruth has her arm under Jenna's arms to help stable her. "Easy. Grab the door Jer." Jeremy grabs the door and opens it, they walk in.

"Hey, stop fussing, I'm fine."

"Shut up aunt Jenna, the doctors said that you have to take it easy." Ruth tells her aunt.

£Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, haemorrhage and die, alright?" Ruth snorted at Jeremy's graphic sentence. Elena swatted her.

"Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment." Ruth rolled her eyes and shook her head at her aunt. "I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?"

"It was a freak accident." Elena, Ruth and Jeremy look to each other.

"It happens."

"Yeah, I mean I've done it like twenty times at the Grill." Jenna laughs, then stops to wince.

"Okay, I'm being nice." They come to the couch and lean down with her. They gently plop her on the couch and Matt asks what he should do with the bag of food. Ruth takes it and goes into the kitchen to put it away; Elena and Jeremy follow her.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Jeremy asks his sisters, Ruth groans.

"Make lunch." Ruth deadpans. Jeremy dirty looks her.

"No, about Katherine."

"We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy." Elena tells their stupid little brother.

"She tried to kill Jenna. We can't let her get away with that." Ruth goes to say something, but Elena interrupts.

"Yes, we can. If it keeps us safe, then we can." Ruth's eyes widen, Elena can't believe that's true, can she?

"And what if she tries something else?"

"She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm not doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end." Ruth looks at Jeremy and sees he has a look of anger on his face.

"You are being naïve, and you know it." He leaves and tells them that he'll be back.

Matt, Elena and Ruth are talking, and Ruth keeps looking to her aunt to make sure she's okay. But Jenna seems to be napping on the couch. "You're welcome to hang out. Alaric's coming over. It's gonna be pizza and bad TV."

Ruth smirks. "My favourite." The two look to her and smile.

"I'd love to but I'm going to the masquerade party at the Lockwood's, aren't you two?" The sisters look to each other and shake their head.

"Uh, no... not with what's going on with me and Stefan."

"And I'm being the great sister who's hanging out with her to make sure she doesn't have a mental breakdown." Elena elbows her sister and Ruth gasps in pain, and dramatically falls to the floor. "The betrayal." Ruth cries out, the two laughs at her.

"I've got to go, there's something I got to do." Matt says while pretending to kick Ruth. She rolls away and glared at him.


"Just something, I can't talk about it but I've got to go." Ruth ignores the rest, only zoning back in when Matt pulls her to her feet and hugs her. Ruth smiles and hugs him back

"See you Matty." He leaves their house. Elena grabs Ruth and drags her to the couch, waking Jenna up in the process.

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