Chapter 30

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Third POV.

After dying her hair, she did something different this time, she put blue on her roots and faded it into the silver. She loved it, and it made her feel pretty.

She got dragged out of the house by Elena, who complimented her hair and told her what Stefan and Damon had said. They were planning on destroying the moonstone, the one that Katherine has, therefore meaning that the ritual involving Elena wouldn't happen. Then Elena told Ruth that she didn't want it to happen in case Klaus kills everyone they love, like he did with Katherine's family.

Ruth agreed, she didn't want people to die, however she did want to protect her sister, Ruth was pretty sure she could also protect herself from Klaus as well if he ever came. Elena then told Ruth that they were going to see Rose, to talk to her friend, Slater. Elena didn't tell her why, just that they needed to go speak to him. Ruth just nodded and allowed it, she would do anything for her sister.

They arrived at the Boarding house and walked in. Ruth looked around when she heard Rose's voice call out. "It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning." Ruth choked on her spit when they saw Rose dressed only in a robe. She then looks to the floor in slight sadness, eventhough she wasn't with Damon, it hurt seeing him with others. But he wasn't hers, so she must watch everything he does and bite her tongue every time. "Whoa. Sorry, I thought you were..."

Elena looks away and Ruth snorts. "Damon?" Rose looks to the floor in shock then speaks.

"There's no one else here." Elena then spoke up.

"Actually, we came to talk to you."

"Then I should probably get dressed." Eventhough she slept with Damon, Ruth still thinks she's very pretty so she speaks up. She has shoulder length brown hair, beautiful clear skin and a sexy accent. If Ruth wasn't so invested with Damon, Ruth would try pull some of her moves on Rose.

"I mean..." Rose turns to look at Ruth. "You don't have to, if you don't want." Rose's eyes widen and she the laughs. Elena then smacks Ruth around the head and then tells Rose.

"Ignore my sister, all she thinks with is her dick." Ruth snorts loudly at what Elena had just said. Rose laughs once again and walks back up the stairs.

They're now sat in one of the room, Rose, unfortunately, was now sat in clothes.

"It's a bad idea." Rose tells the two girls; Ruth just sighs and runs her hand through her new hair.

"No, it's not. From what Stefan told me, your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon just gave up before you got it." Elena snaps, Ruth nods, she kind of has a point.

"Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it." Ruth then nods again; Rose also has a point.

"There's more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it."

"Why are you coming to me with this?"

"Because you owe us. One word from me or Ruth, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me." Ruth's eyes widen. Ruth then declares, before Rose decides Elena looks like a tasty snack.

"Which we do not want, because we like you now, right Elena?" Elena just huffs, so then Rose smiles slightly to Ruth and then speaks.

"Or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you or your sister doing this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away." Elena glares.

"We're having a disagreement, okay? They're willing to risk everyone that I love and me or Ruth are not." Ruth then turns to her sister and speaks.

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