A Light In The Dark

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  • Dedicated to Brayden Hendy

On the fifth day of crying, trying to eat, sleeping and the occasional few minutes of human contact. I'm undisturbed, until I walk back into my room after a shower in my usual attire to find Acquila sitting on my bed. He hands me a cup with 4 pink marshmallows floating ontop, I sip it "thanks." The strong, hot coffee starts waking up my system as I climb into bed.I put the cup down not wanting to wake up but to go back to the bliss of nothingness.  " This has to stop Charm, you have to come out, you need to be the queen. Its what's expected of you." I look down at the ring still sitting on my finger, "how can I? all my life I've done whats expected of me and look where its gotten me." He takes my hand stroking his thumb across the ring, "then don't do what's expected you, instead of falling into line, instead of being Phillip and Sparks lapdog, be yourself. The people of Tursanoah need you, Pete, Violet, Glen, Tamara, all the guards need you, the real you." He looks up at me. His green eyes burning into mine, "I need you Carmen, but I need the real you, the one I saw stand up to Spark when he told her to 'pretty up', the one that would be out telling people to hurry up and find Vi." I look over to the dress the belt still wrapped around it, the key hanging off it. "the one who can and will lead this kingdom to greatness, the one I fell in love with 10 years ago when I pushed her in the mud and she stood up and pushed me right back." He drops my hand and stands, " I want her back, I need her back Carmen please bring her back, because this... this is helping noone." Pain sears through my heart as he starts walking away "I don't know how," It's just a whisper but Acquila stops, "by putting on that dress and joining me for breakfast." And with that he walks out, not giing me a chance to complain but forcing m to make a decision to either join him or stay in bed. I'm not sure if it was the coffee or the tough but obviously in love routine but either way I knew I was joining Acquila.

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I find a lavender dress, low-cut at the front, It ends just above my knee and flares out. Mother said it brings out my hazel eyes, I'd worn it once to an official dinner. the belt which I've decided will be my signature piece wraps around my middle. The heels of my small black shoes click against the titled floors of the front parlor as I walk towards the kitchen. My waist length black hair is left loose allowing the curls to fall naturally.

Everyone freezes when I enter the dining room, Phillip, Spark, Tyler and 2 other guards I've never seen before rise and bow. Acquila smiles and stands, "good morning Queen Charm," he says as I take my seat next to him. "Good morning Quilla." The rest of the table takes their seats as food is brought to the table. I force myself to eat a bit of bacon and some pawpaw as the people around me make light conversation.

Once everyone is done eating, we move into the official living area. I sit in my usual seat leaving mother and fathers chairs empty. "I have planned for the funeral to be held at dusk, A public ceremony. Their bodies will be cremated tonight, A car will pick us up and take us at 1700 hrs, I expect you to be ready," Phillip says avoiding my eye. "Ok I'll be with the stylist this morning, then I will be riding, I will have lunch in Marksville I pause waiting for him to interrupt me, he doesn't. "I think its important for me to be seen out and about not be cooped up, after the funeral we will meet in the war room to plan tactics for finding Violet," One of the guys stand, "permission to speak '" he says bowing. "Permission granted," I respond standing and holding my hand out, he's shocked but shakes it none the less. "I am agent Simon Beck and this'" he gestures to the man right of him' "is agent Ori Warston we w we will be replacing Agent Kellz until which time he is able to relieve us of our duty." A replacement or replacements for Pete, well I was expecting it I am Queen and the only eligible royal but still i was just expecting Phillip to step in. "Wonderful to meet you be ready to ride in 1 hour, we will meet at the stables," I say before heading in the direction of the stylist Maria's quarters.

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