Spiralling Down

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It's dark when I wake, I roll over seeing no point in moving out of bed, Everyone gone, Everyone. My head aches, It feels like my chest is being torn apart as the tears soak my pillow. I cry for hours and hours until my head aches, I have run out of tissues and my eyes are too sore to open. The pounding of my head dims and then finally nothing.

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Phillip brings a tray of food in the next morning, I'm awake when he enters, " up and at em pr... Queen Carmen," he walks to my window and throws open the curtains. I poke my head out from under the pillow, "your expected downstairs in 30 minutes, A live broadcast." I slid out of bed and watch Phillip’s eyes pop out of his head as he takes in my boyleg undies and siglet top. I close the curtains, "Queen Carmen this is extremely inappro," I cut him off' "enough, get out, I will not be disturbed until someone has found one of the missing until then get out!"... "THATS AN ORDER!", I yell when he doesn’t move, "the, the food is on your desk," he says leaving the room, "thank you." I eat a few pieces of bacon before I start to feel sick. After that I go straight back into bed.

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The next few days pass much the same way, Phillip comes and goes bringing food that I barely touch. I don’t see any point in leaving my room unless its to go to the bathroom adjoining mine and Petes room. Why should I leave, How can I do anything when everyone I love is gone.

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I awake one morning, my curtains open light shining in onto my pillow. I crawl out of bed and look out the oen window. Midnight is in his paddock; beyond him I see Violets horse Nutty frolocking in his paddock, totally unaware of the absence of his owner. Ignorence must be bliss. I shut the curtains and dive under the covers, praying for sleep before the tears appear again.

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