Sweat, Sunlight and Tears

21 1 0
  • Zadedykowane Brayden Hendy

An hour later, I head off towards the gym no one seems to understand my need to work out, not when I have no need to, but its my only stress release and after everything going on lately I need a good stress release. Everything I do is scrutinised and this is no different. When I had tried to go yesterday Spark had caught me and locked the gym. So today I'm as quiet as a mouse while I sneak past door after door until one beside me pops open. I freeze, my eyes widening in horror. How had he known? I’d been so so careful. Acquila steps out and smiles he holds up his hand in a wait a minute signal and then steps back into his room. I stand confused for a while until I realise I don't care so I shake my head and keep creeping towards the gym. I bend down and pull a hairpin from my pocket when I arrive at the big blue door. Uncle Mark had taught me how to pick locks when I was little mother had been angry but shed gotten over it. The lock clicks and the doors swing open.

I step inside and quietly close them behind me and feel along the wall for the light switch, I find it and light fills the room. I look around the room its full of equipment, during the war the safe houses were used to train protectors, some still are but protectors arnt needed as much anymore. My iPod slips into the sound system as a rhythm bursts from the speakers placed around the room. I find punching gloves and start beating away at a punching bag. I’ve been going at it for about 5 minutes when I hear footsteps I pause the music, switch off the light and hide behind the weights just as the door opens. Acquila steps in and quietly closes the door behind him, the light flicks on, "ahh you can stop hiding Carmen." I step out from behind the weights, he is wearing a T-shirt with shorts and trainers much too laid back and athletic for him. I can see his muscles straining against the fabric as he walks over to me. "Come and run with me," he says walking towards the doors to the woods. I hesitate for a minute before taking off the gloves and following him out the doors.

He’s standing a few feet out "1…2…3…" we take off at his 3. My feet pounding against pavement for about a minute until it turns to dirt, a path has been made through the thick undergrowth. A few minutes in sweat starts to bead on my face and my breath quickens. My eyes search for Acquila amongst the undergrowth, there a few feet behind me I let him catch up and slow myself to his pace, he clearly doesn’t do this often, sweat pours down his face and his breathing is as loud as a jet engine." You okay?" I ask worried that he’ll peel over at any moment. "I…I…I’m fine," he finally manages. I slow to a walk giving him time to catch his breath.

There’s an opening in the trees up ahead, the sounds of birds fill my ears as Acquila’s breathing returns to normal. I push through the remaining bush and am greeted by a clearing.

Grass spreads out in front of us, a large lake of water glistening in the sun light. Flowers grow wild, putting bursts of pink, purple, blue and yellow among the lush grass. "It’s gorgeous" I whisper walking in to the clearing. "Yes, yes she is," he responds I turn instead of looking at the beauty in front of us he’s looking at me. I feel a blush come to my cheeks as I turn away. The water softly splashes against the shore of the lake. I strip off my shorts and shirt. Pulling my shoes and socks off as well before Acquila realises, he’s beside me in an instant "what are you doing?" He cries panic in his eyes. "Uh going for a swim" I reply before diving in. I turn and look at his stunned face, "come join me" I say with a smile before I dive under the surface again. The water is cool and refreshing against my feverish skin. I pop up when I feel him hit the water. His blue eyes sparkling like the liquid around us. His long brown hair plastered against his face. "Refreshing" he says approvingly splashing a wave of water at me. I splash back before diving under out of the way of his next attack. Arms wrap around me pulling me towards him as I resurface. I smile, he draws me in closer and closer until my lips are millimetres away from his I lean in and; slip out of his reach splashing him as I do. I laugh at the surprised look on his face when he goes to kiss air. I disappear underneath and then pop up beside him. He makes another grab for me but I dodge and swim to the edge of the lake. I feel him right behind me all the way; I pull myself up onto the grass and lie down next to my cloths.

He plops down beside me, his hands going to my chest. He picks up one of my silver chains, this one has a heart shaped locket, flowers engraved into the thin silver. His finger stokes it for a minute before dropping it back down, he looks down at me our eyes meeting as he picks up the next one. A shiny black stone, in the shape of a C. lastly he picks up the tiger cub the same one around his neck.

His fingers find mine as he examines the ring. "Do you really like it?" he whispers pulling me closer, "yeah its beautiful, how can I not love it." I reply looking at the perfect lines of his muscles, as his arms flex around me. "Your mother and sister helped me design it, VI came up with the idea of the hearts," his smile fades when he mentions Violet. Tears start to fill my eyes, but I blink them away. A QUEEN DOES NOT CRY EVER.

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