Danger, Drama and Duty

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I wake with a start.

Panic seizes my body as hands grab at me. I scream its sound piercing the quiet of the night. I fight trying to free myself but it’s no use the hands are too strong. "Princess hush." The deep voice echo’s around the room as a hand closes over my mouth. I blink my eyes adjusting to the darkness, I see a shape, I focus on the face and recognize the features that are there, "Pete?" I whisper his eyes give him away the deep dark brown showing his fear, making my panic return, "What’s wrong?" I sit up and reach for my lamp. The door joining Pete’s and mine is open light flooding into mine from his. "Get dressed. Into practical clothes … code yellow," his eyes saying everything I need to know, I’m in danger, code yellow, code yellow I rack my brain trying desperately to find it code yellow the palace is under attack. His dark eyes roam the room alert and observing, his dark hair messy; his muscles tensed and ready for anything, his bedclothes wrinkled and torn and covered in Oh My God "is that blood" I whisper my voice cracking on the end. "It’s not ours now hurry up, before that changes!" He responds, walking into his room.

I walk to my dark wooden dresser and blindly get changed out of my pink, frilly night dress and into faded blue jeans and a band T-shirt my favourite hoodie goes over the top as well as my necklace and gold rose bracelet. Knee high black and white stripped socks go over my feet as I pull my high tops out from under my bed. I finish tying them as Pete walks in, wearing the same thing as me. He walks to my wardrobe and pulls out a large black suitcase with CB engraved in gold. A light blue back pack follows which then flies through the air to me "pack anything you need, we leave in 5," he states walking into his room to retrieve his suitcase and starts doing the same.

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7 minutes later, we are running through the house towards the garage, so far we’ve come across 2 dead palace guards and 6 dead ‘Re-Re’s’, one of which Pete took care of himself. Re-Re is the name given to zombie like creatures, their souls are forced back into the rotting corpses allowing the sorcerer full control over the Re-Re, they aren’t easily killed and can 'infect' people around them, after they have killed the sorcerer can take control of the dead as well . Pete throws our bags into the silver 4 wheeler, designated to be our safety car, as I slide into the passenger seat. The garage door opens and we fly out into the night but not before I notice the blood splatter on the white car beside ours.

"Ok, what’s going on? Where are we going and why isn’t Violet with us?" I fire questions at Pete after 10 minutes of driving at 200 km an hour. "Ok the palace was attacked at change of shift, your uncle alerted us about a minute before, his place was also attacked, we haven’t heard from him since." Pete whispers, slowing down a little. "We are going to one of the safe houses, where we will meet up with Jason and Acquila and their security." He smiles at the scowl that spreads across my face, "Acquila is to be your husband in less than a year, you should not scowl at the mention of his name Carmen," Pete says matter-of-factly. “Yeah well if you like him so much you marry him, my dislike is mutual but where’s Violet, isn't she supposed to be with us?" I say trying to change the topic before I put myself in a bad mood. "I’m not sure sergeant Phillip woke me and told me to get you out. He explained the situation and said everyone else was doing the same. I wasn’t supposed to let you pack or anything but I did ‘cause you know I’m a nice guy and all that," he says trying to lighten the mood. I manage a smile for his sake but he knows it’s fake. "And no the dislike isn’t mutual Carry. Now go to sleep I’ll wake you when we are close." I struggle over his words for a bit what does he mean, it’s not mutual, Acquila has disliked Jason and I ever since Jas had to move in with him. It’s not like that was our fault, Acquila’s and my parents thought it would be best. But eventually I fall asleep too worn out to ponder Pete’s words anymore.

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My eyes fly open; I sit up completely disorientated, where the hell am I? The last thing I remember I was in the 4x4. I slide out of the bed and look around. A large window looks out into a forest, a long window seat spread underneath it, my bags lying on it. Dark wooden dressing table sits up against the left wall, next to the closed door. A chest of drawers is up against the wall at the foot of the bed, a desk is pressed against the far wall and a shelf covers the wall above the window. The walls are black with light blue and lavender swirls covering it. I walk to the door and place my hand on the shiny silver knob; looking back I see books covering the shelf.

I open the door and step out into a crisp white hall, wooden floorboards beneath my shoes, there are several doors behind me but the voices are travelling from the opening down the hall. I walk down the hall and into a massive living room, 3 love seats sit around a TV stand the radio is on but no one’s talking, Pete looks around at me as I enter. "Carmen you’re up, come join us Atlair is fixing us some breakfast as we speak." He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He has been my protector since he was 16, he’s now 22 and in all that time I’ve learnt how to read his emotions and he mine. Jason gets up and walks over to me "hey Carry, long time no see," he whispers as he hugs me tight, I smile hugging him back just as tightly. Jason has been my best friend for over 15 years since we were babies. "Atlair’s a good cook so don’t worry you won’t get food poisoning, like you would if the meals were up to Pete. Good at cleaning protecting cooking and singing is there anything the man can’t do’" Jason winks at me and sits back down, a genuine smile spreads across my face, until Acquila stands and walks over to me, "Princess, lovely to see you, despite the circumstances." He takes my hand and presses it gently to his lips. "Lovely to see you too, Acquila.” I respond lifting my head higher and smiling politely.

Does it look as fake as it feels?

"Well Princess, this is no way for your fiancée to see you, you look terrible, go change and pretty yourself up for him!" Spark snaps at me ushering me towards the hall. “You’re a princess so start acting like one, filthy girl and you’re expected to be queen what a disgrace."

I know I shouldn't, respect has been preached to me for years on end, always have good manners, don't raise your voice, control your emotions. But right now my emotions are simply too raw.

"My home was attacked, I was rushed away with but 5 minutes warning, I have no idea if my parents, sister or any of my family are alive so excuse me for not looking picture perfect for once in my life but I think for once you can lay off, your job is to protect Acquila, not to tell me how I should look!" I say angrily putting as much venom into my voice as I can manage. Jason steps forward and takes my hand." We will be right back." He pulls me towards the bedroom I had exited just minutes before. "Oh and just one last thing Spark, if Acquila is going to marry me he better get used to my imperfections, the people I live with see them the most." I look at Acquila as I say this, a glare cemented onto my face; he looks back a small smirk on his lips. Then I’m pulled through the door and out of sight.

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