2.sick days

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I woke up to a horrid ringing in my ears, I rolled away from Perrie and sat up. I instantly felt dizzy and sick, as if I was gonna hurl any second. I was. I got out of bed pulled a long top on and slowly walked out of the bedroom, towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. As soon as I reached the toilet, I dropped to my knees and began throwing up.  I wasn't feeling too good yesterday, so I had an early night and Perrie came up a little while later- big and since it was a rare occasion of her being big, we had a bit of sex, just a little of course. But that was probably a bad idea because now I feel a lot worse and just want to curl up in bed and sleep forever. I threw up some more and tried my hardest to keep my hair out of the way, this was difficult on your own. 

Finally, my stomach felt calm enough for me to get off the bathroom floor. I pulled myself up, using the towel rack and sat on the side of the bath, and leaned over for my toothbrush, I hated the taste of sick in my mouth. After my teeth were brushed, i didn't want to risk making Perrie sick and I knew I was still gonna throw up so I very quietly and carefully made my way downstairs. I took a bowl out of the kitchen and brought a bin with me too and sat on the sofa in the backroom with my feet up and a couple of blankets over me. My head hurt but I turned the TV on regardless, I caught a glimpse of the time, which I hadn't even thought about yet. It was 4am. Jesy was going to be up in a couple of hours for work. But the rest of them, I had no idea. I turned on Netflix and set up Friends, which  was watching for the umpteenth time. 

A few episodes later, I found myself falling asleep. 

As the toast popped in the machine, I heard someone moving around in the back room and then them being sick. I instantly walked over and opened the door. My poor Jade was hunched over the bin being violently sick. I walked in closer and held back her hair. She began to cry as soon as she realised I was there, I think it was just having someone, topped her emotions overboard. 
"Oh baba, it's okay," I whispered and kissed the back of her head. Once she was done, I let her hair fall and went to get the box of tissues. I put a couple in the bin to cover up the sick and then wiped Jade's tears. 
"How long have you been down here babe?" I asked her, stroking her hair. 
"S-since four," she hiccuped and wiped her tears herself. 
"Darling, why didn't you wake anyone up?" I sighed, feeling really bad for her. 
"You all needed to sleep," she whispered, blushing. She never ever asks for help when she needs something or somebody but she is there for each and every one of us when we need her, we don't even have to ask. I just sighed and pulled her into a hug but she tried to push me back. 
"Y-you'll get sick," she groaned but as she was sick, she was weak and therefore couldn't move me an inch. 
"I don't mind baba, you need a cuddle," I sighed and stroked her hair. She just collapsed against my chest. A couple of minutes later, I let her go. 
"Listen darling, I need to go to work okay. Leigh is already awake just in bed so I'll go get her up and then I'll get you a cold pack for your head and change the bin for you, I won't be long," I kissed her head and she led back down, nodding meekly. 
"Jess," she croaked as I was leaving. 
"Yeah?" I smiled and looked over at her. 
"Water too please," she whispered. I nodded and chuckled, leaving her alone again. 

Jesy walked into the bedroom, just as I turned the light off to go back to sleep. 
"Baba, can you get up?" She asked me and turned the light on again. 
"Why?" I mumbled and sat up, I wasn't really tired, just bored. 
"Jade's sick. She's downstairs and has been since early hours, can you go be her buddy and just make sure shes okay?" She asked me, really concerned. 
"Sick as in throwing up sick?" I asked and got out of bed then pulled some clothes on. 
"Yeah, she was last sick about 10 minutes ago, which is how I knew she was there I heard her. I've given her a cold pack for her head because she had a crazy temperature, I got her some water and give her a fresh bin, she just need a buddy now and you're the only one who I know is awake," I smiled. 
"yeah, I'll go be her buddy," I laughed and followed Jesy out, after picking up my phone. 
"Right well I gotta go to work, I'll see you later on," she smiled, gave me a cuddle and kissed me. 
"Bye baby, have a good day!" I said. 
"I'll try, look after Jadey," she said and jogged downstairs as I walked into the bathroom. I quickly peed and then went downstairs. I walked into the back room where I'm guessing Jade would be to see Jess again. 
"Babe, go to work, you're gonna be late." I laughed and tapped her bum as I walked behind her. 
"Mhmm, she's right, go," I heard Jade croak.
 "Okay, okay I'm going, bye girls," she said and walked off. 

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