9. Are You Ready?

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Are you ready?

Are you ready for the coming of Jesus Christ?

If He were to come back today would you be ready?

Are you sins forgiven?

Do you know what is to come when he returns?

If you are a Christian, you may hear your pastors or others talking about the second coming, or the Rapture.  And if you have just converted or are not a Christian, I will briefly explain what this even is.  The second coming or the Rapture is an end time event in the bible where Christ the Messiah will come again to take the righteous people, dead and alive, up with him to the promise land or also known as Heaven.  After his return, those that are left behind will go through something called the Tribulation for 7 years, yes, in the Tribulation there will be a chance to get right with God, but not without its serious consequences.  No human being wants to behind in the tribulation  unless you were called by God to do so .  It will be the hardest event in history, the end of the world as we know it.  But sadly because of sin this must be so.  I urge you to make use of the time you still have to repent and get it right with him.  God is real! Heaven is real!  And sadly, to say, the devil is real too.  And the Lord is coming soon…Hell was not made for mankind, it was made for Satan and all the fallen angels, but sadly because of sin it became a place for mankind too.  However, that can be averted, Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we all can be saved.  He gave his life as a living sacrifice so that the gates of Heaven can be opened!  All that is needed is to repent of our sins and turn away form it with his help , give your life to God fully, get baptized and choose to life a holy life.  As hard as that is, he can help you, he always has and always will.  For more info on his second coming read Revelation, chapter  1 – 22.

Think bout it, you may say “God does not care about me, he left me here to suffer, he let my loved one die, he did nothing good for me!  He does not love me.”  Well I will say to you, he loved you enough to wake you up every morning.  He gave you shelter, the food you have, no matter how small or big.  And he loves you enough to forgive you of your sins and give his very life so you can have yours.  He is calling you entirely to him!  No one said it was going to be easy, but hey,  you are making the effort to try and I assure you – he is going to help all the way!

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