When Sonic was There

Start from the beginning

Silver didn't have to finish his sentence when Sonic answered.

" I'm not sure. That gap in my memory is blank and I'm not sure why. "

The silver hedgehog looked away, understanding his situation.

" Your face is a lot like Shadow's... "

" You really like this Shadow guy, huh? "

Sonic blushed and chuckled, looking away.

" I guess you could say that... "

The two talked till sunset, when Sonic had to leave because he didn't want Tails (his adoptive little brother) to be worried about him. Watching him run off, Silver smiles as he gets up and starts making his way down hill. Sonic and Silver talked a lot about who they were, what they did, and what they wanted to be in the future. And so, from then on, Sonic and Silver always met on that same hill for months. The young hedgehog loved to tease about the blue hero's crush one this ' Shadow the hedgehog ' guy. Because Sonic's ears folded as he blushed like madly and hid his face. In truth, Silver loved Sonic platonically, and vice versa. Their friendship is what the telekinetic hedgehog would cherish forever, just like Blaze's. He also found out that Sonic too was an orphan, he didn't have parents and grew up alone too.

But one day, Sonic stopped showing up, and Silver sighed. He would wait and wait but weeks passed and the young hedgehog gave up. Frustrated, Silver kicked some flowers he picked before sitting down and pulling on his five quills. Sonic probably forgot about him already, maybe he was off marrying this Shadow guy. Sonic was Silver's only friend at this point, as his arms dropped. He really didn't notice that he was crying, but when he did he wiped his face. Standing up, there was no use to stand around for someone who wouldn't come around. Using his powers, he starts to make his way back to the ruined city before landing on a ruined ancient relic of the past. Something had caught his eyes though, and it was a black streak with red.


Sonic had explained what Shadow looked like with massive amounts of detail. Silver got overwhelmed at times but he didn't mind. Being curious, he used his powers and started to follow the streak. He made sure he didn't get seen by the streak as it stopped. It stopped, and it was just as he thought. It really was Shadow the hedgehog as he looked around the place. His eyes looked stunned, like he's seen the city in it's prime time. Silver continues to watch, as he tried to be silent as possible but Shadow looked behind him.

" I can feel your Chaos Energy. Come out whoever you are. "

Silver gulped and made his way out of his hiding place. He didn't know Shadow was that intimidating in person. From what Sonic had explained, he could be a little to somewhat intimidating but this is far from little to somewhat intimidating. His piercing gaze stared right into Silver's soul, as his glare could probably defeat an army of people.

" Who are you? "

" Silver the Hedgehog, and I should be asking the questions, Shadow the Hedgehog! "

The ebony tensed up as he stares, examining the silver hedgehog in front of him. 

" I do have questions about you myself... go ahead and ask away. "

Silver swallows before sighing.

" Where did Sonic go? Do you know where he could be at the moment? "

He could see Shadow tense up, quickly turning his face away as he rolled his hands up into a fist. It was silent, tense, and the albino hedgehog had felt he had just committed a war crime. Shadow turns to him, Ruby red eyes filled with pain and misery, along with tears threatening to fall down.

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