A Secret for Two (1/3)

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// So I actually finished this in August but didn't published it because I have two follow ups. The premise for this AU is that Sonic is split into three personalities that make Sonic up: Child, Trauma, and Secret. If you couldn't tell, this one is about Secret who is currently living with Shadow. Trauma is with Amy and Child is with Tails. Hope you enjoy! 

Shadow's P.O.V

It's been a week now since we've found this strange mobian. He looks almost like faker, if it wasn't for the fact that his eyes were devoid of life and pale, with his quill color being a much darker blue and the the disembodied hands covering his muzzle. His gloves were black and his shoes were exactly like faker's but duller. The strange hedgehog had not spoken a word for a whole week, which gives Rouge an idea to tease me with. Quoting her exact words " I thought no one could be edgier than you " and such none sense. He also tends to follow me around like a lost puppy, never leaving my side. I have tried to get him to stop but it's basically like telling Sonic not to eat chili dogs.

Currently, him and I were sitting on the couch together. His eyes glued to the tv as I have my usual morning black coffee. I do have an idea that his sudden appearance after Faker's sudden disappearance have a correlation to each other. I haven't figured out the pieces yet, and I wish I could right now. I sighed and set my coffee down. Looking over, i've noticed he's now staring at me. I decided to observe his eyes as we stare. He holds something in his eyes, an emotion I can't describe. But I know that look, it's a look I've seen in Sonic. I see flashes of that same emotion after our battles, after my comments, or after telling him that I need to leave for a mission. It suddenly came to me on what that emotion could be;


He holds such great... sadness in his eyes. But unlike Sonic's, it's much more apparent. I feel something on top my hand, and it was his hand. I gave him such a confused look before pulling it away. Rouge had left this morning to take care of Tails, who has his own strange visitor that strangely looks like Faker too. I don't know how to feel about our situations but I will always act the same. I take my coffee into my lap and stare at the reflection in the dark pool of liquid. To think that I, The Ultimate Lifeform, have to pretend to stay strong for the past week. Because if I were to be truthful... I am worried about Faker. I know he doesn't up and disappear like that. But then again, there's a lot of things I hide. Out of the corner of my, I see that the stranger had his hands on the bodiless hands on his face. He holds them firmly before ripping them off his face.

From how tight that grip of those hands were on his face, I expected blood to be pooling our yet there wasn't any. Instead, there were just red markings on the face on where they were. His lips looked chapped, he had bags under his eyes. He honestly looked like shit, but I don't blame him. He hasn't had a wink a sleep for the time he spent with Rouge and I. Looking over to me, I watched carefully as I took a sip of coffee.

" He doesn't know how to speak when he sees you standing in a field of flowers. "

I raise my brow as I took a drink from my coffee.

" His legs get weak, and his lips get chapped. All he can say is ask for a race. But he doesn't want to race. "

Is he talking about...?

" He wants to hold your hand, to see you vulnerable. The last thing he thought before Eggman's machine was targeting him was you. He loves you... but he doesn't think you'll love him back. "

I sat there, staring at this stranger. Who the hell is he?? How do I know if he's telling the truth?? How the hell does he know Sonic feels like that if he's never met him?? I violently grab his arm. Should've I been gentle? Probably. Do I give a shit? Not at the moment.

" How do you know that!? Are you even telling the truth!? "

His dead eyes only stare, as his month moved too slowly for my taste.

" Everyone has a Secret side... who speaks in a poem like way to tell secrets. When Eggman used his machine on Sonic, it split him into three parts. He was scared, but he would never tell that. He thought he was going to die. We were scared... "

I soften my grip as I watch this... part of Sonic apparently... start to cry. He made no sobs, but the tears came down like a waterfall. I let go eventually and pulled away. We now sat on the opposite ends of the couch.

" He has always liked you, since the day you both met. When you stood there, rambling about the emerald, he stood there thinking you had the most beautiful ruby eyes to lay upon you. "

I didn't want to hear him anymore, so I grabbed the bodiless hands and put them back on his mouth. The tears stopped coming. I sit there, while looking at my hands. I'm at utter disbelief. What do I do with this information. I look at this side of Sonic, the part that hides himself because he's afraid what people would say.

What I would say if i found out.

" ... you need sleep, let me take you upstairs. "

I know what to do, I won't tell. I'll talk to him about it when we get his other two parts together. But for now, it's only me and his secret side that'll keep it to ourselves. 

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