Chapter 7

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As I walked along Route 18, I let Umbreon out of his Pokéball so I wouldn't be alone.

"Um...Breon?" Umbreon looked around, confused.

"Umbreon, Charmeleon isn't here..." I said sadly. Umbreon's joyful expression quickly melted away into one of concern. "Neither are the others..." I crumpled to the ground in a fit of tears.

"Umbreon..." Umbreon's cry was weak and depressed.

"We're going on our own journey, remember?"

Umbreon looked down and began walking. He looked back and gestured for me to get up.

"You're right. We have to get going." I stood and sniffing, wiped away my tears. "You know, this could be a good thing, us being on our own and stuff."

"Stop right there!" A man in uniform stood in front of me.


"You must be mounted on a bicycle on this route," the officer informed me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." I got my bicycle out of my bag and hopped on. "Have a good day," I muttered before speeding off.

As I made my way to Saffron City to get my sixth gym badge, I encountered several bikers whose attitudes were most unpleasant. By the time I got off the cycling road, I was ready to end the day already. When I arrived at Saffron City, I dropped my head and sighed in exasperation.

Rocket Grunts. Everywhere.

The thugs were blocking several buildings, including, to my chagrin, the Saffron City Gym. I smacked my face and turned to Umbreon. "Well, looks like we're going to have to take down Team Rocket again, buddy..." Umbreon nodded, and the yellow rings on his body glowed.

I looked around and noticed the main feature of the city was a large building. I looked at the sign in front of the building, curious.

"SILPH CO." Hmm... I thought. "Aha!" I said out loud. I remembered the name "Silph" from the item Giovanni had dropped in the Game Corner hideout and figured this must be where Team Rocket had set themselves up. Sure enough, there was a Grunt guarding the entrance.

"Move it," I said simply. The Grunt had something useless like a Zubat or a Rattatta or whatever, so I beat him without blinking.

The building was an office with several floors connected by stairs and warp panels. I groaned. "Umbreon, why don't you get in your Pokéball." Umbreon obliged and I returned him to the red and white sphere in my hand.

What ensued was a confusing and frustrating few hours as I attempted to figure out the place and find Giovanni. I knew that I had to defeat to stop him from wrecking the entire region.

After what seemed like forever, I finally made it to a new floor and heard hushed voices talking. I used the Card Key I had obtained to enter a room with some people. There were two people that looked like they were being held hostage, and sure enough, Giovanni.

"Giovanni..." I muttered.

"Ah, __________! So we meet again! The President and I are discussing a vital business proposition. Keep your nose out of grown-up matters... Or experience a world of pain!"

"Okay then..." I took a deep breath and grabbed Nidoqueen's Pokéball and sent her out with my signature Pokéball throw that Green had taught me.

Giovanni had honestly not gotten any better, so I easily whooped him for a second time.

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