Chapter 4

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Ahead of us was a very long staircase zigzagging up the building. Soon we were faced with another door leading to a small room.

"Ugh, it's cold in here..." I muttered, shivering. I sent Eevee out of his Pokeball and picked him up. He chirped happily and rubbed his cheek on mine affectionately. "Aw, Eevee, you're so cute!" I sang.

"Come on, __________!" Green sighed, rolling his eyes.

The room was dimly lit and was more like a closet than an actual room. As soon as we stepped foot inside, Eevee suddenly jumped out of my arms and began crying out while running around a table, the only thing in the room.

"What is he freaking out about?" Red questioned.

"Hmm," I looked at the table. A Pokéball sat atop the table. "Huh...This isn't an item, could it be a Pokémon?" I said to myself. I pushed the button that would be used to send out a Pokémon. Sure enough, a red blast of light shot from the ball. I gasped.

"Vee!" A very familiar looking creature emerged from the Pokeball.

"Eevee! Eevee, vee eevee!" My Eevee chirped, approaching his lookalike.

"Whoa," Red breathed.

"Someone must have left this poor Eevee here," I said sadly. I looked around. In such a cold and lonely place, too...

"Wow, that's crazy, wild Eevee are REALLY rare in Kanto... It's weird enough that __________'s Eevee was in Kanto, but another one? Wow..." Green said excitedly.

"Well, one of you guys gets her," I said toward Green and Red.

"You can have him," Green said simply, smirking.

"Wow, really? Thanks!" Red's face lit up.

"Eevee!" The Eevee happily pranced toward her new master. Red picked her up and she nuzzled his chest.

"Okay, let's go guys," I nearly shouted. "I want to stop at the Celadon Department Store!"

"Eevee, return!" Red sent his new Pokémon back to its Pokéball, carefully stashing it with the rest of his team.


"Ugh," Green groaned, clearly not wanting to go at all. I had expected this, Green never being the shopping type like I was. "Red, come on, let's go to the Game Corner!"

Red looked toward me.

"Aw, Red, Green, one of you guys has to go with me!" I pouted.

Red looked back toward Green.

"No way, __________!" Green crossed his arms.

"I'll go with you," Red spoke up quietly.

"Hooray!" I cheered. Eevee followed suit and cheered happily.

"Ooh! They have different kinds of stones over here," I motioned Red over, who had previously been browsing the TMs for sale.

"Hi! How may I help you?" the salesperson asked in a cheerful and pleasant manner.

"I'm just browsing," I replied.

"I see you have an Eevee there," the salesperson looked at the said Pokémon I was holding against my chest.

"Yup!" I said, smiling as Eevee cried happily.

The salesperson continued. "I have three different stones here that can be used to evolve an Eevee!"

"Oh, uh..." I looked down at Eevee, who looked back up at me. "Vee?"

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