Chapter 5

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"__________! __________!!!"

"Green..." I sighed.

"I'm coming in!" Green unzipped my tent.

"Umbreon..." I began. Umbreon was way ahead of me.

"Umbreon!" Umbreon hurled a shadowy blob at Green.

"Hey!" Green jumped and his head disappeared from my view.

"Ahh..." I settled back into my sleeping bag.

"So that's how you want to play it, huh?" I heard Green.

"What the..."

"Ivy...SAUR!!!" I felt long and sharp vines whipping at my face.

"Hey! Ow! That hurts!" I scrambled to get out of my sleeping bag. "I'm up, I'm up, are you happy?!" I snapped. "Let me get dressed..."

Green zipped the tent back up. "I told you I'd have her up in five minutes!" I heard Green say triumphantly.

I crawled out of my tent groggily.

"Breakfast!" Red sang. He thrust a plate of eggs and toast in front of me, and one in front of Green. "Eat up!"

"Yum," I said sleepily. I ate in silence, barely awake.

"Umbreon..." Umbreon nudged me.

"Yeah, __________! Wake up!" Red waved a hand in front of my face.

I widened my eyes. "I'm awake..."

"I know what will wake you up..." Red smirked, glancing at Green, who smirked. I heard a barely audible *click* and gulped.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stuttered. I got up and set down my plate.

"Go, Gyarados!"


"Ahh!" I feigned fear as Gyarados hit me with a Water Pulse. "Ackpth! Hey! I just got dressed!" I whined. Gloom sprayed acid on me. "Waagh!"

The boys chuckled as I wrung out the corner of my skirt. "Ugh... you guys... Now I have to change..." I sulked back into the tent.

"C'mon, guys, let's go. Next up, Lavender Town," I said wearily.

At this, we all began walking on the path toward Lavender Town.

"So, what would you all say was your favorite part of the journey so far?" I asked Red and Green, attempting to make small talk.

Green responded first. "Hmm, I'd say the S.S. Anne...No, the Game Corner." He folded his arms. "What about you, Red?"

"Uhh..." He thought hard, scratching his head. "I'm having trouble picking one. The first Gym battle with Brock was pretty memorable... But I also liked Diglett's Cave, where Charmander evolved. But, I also liked when __________ whooped the boss of Team Rocket!" At this I chuckled. "I just really like spending time with my best friends, Green and __________!" He put his arms around us both.

"Me, too!" I smiled. "Hey, look, here we are!" I exclaimed cheerfully. When we stepped into the small town, all of our smiles faded.

The town was dark and dreary, and there seemed to be no activity.

"Um..." I shifted uncomfortably. I had heard that this was the "Grave of Pokémon," but I felt like the entire city was enveloped in death.

We silently walked around the town. We noticed two people conversing.

"Yeah, those horrible Team Rocket people killed that Cubone's mother," a woman told another tearfully.

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