Red looked at me. "Have you even thought about that yet?"

"No, I haven't... Eevee is so strong and such a great battler, yeah, I never thought about that..."

"Hey, now's your time," Red looked at the counter. There were three stones. One was blue and had the design of a water droplet inside of it. The others looked pretty much the same, another was red with a flame, and the last one green with a lightning bolt.

"What do you think Eevee?" I looked down at the brown furry creature I was holding. How appropriate, he was fast asleep... "You know what, I love Eevee just how he is now!" I held Eevee up. His eyes slowly opened and they gazed at me with admiration.

"Okay, let me know if you change your mind," the salesperson said plainly.

"You and Eevee make quite the team," Red chuckled as we exited the building.

"Heh, yeah, I guess we do..." I patted Eevee on the head.

"C'mon, Green, it's late. Time to go!" I poked my head inside the Game Corner. For once, he obliged.

"Fine... I'm tired," Green mumbled.

"Me too," Red yawned.

"Well, then, let's go set up camp!" I led the way toward an area away from tall grass.

This was always my favorite part of the day. Everyone could just relax... Also, it was when we ate, and Red always whipped up something delicious. Finally, I loved just sitting by the campfire we always set up and spending time with Green, Red, and our Pokémon.

I leaned back, putting my arms behind my head. "Ahh," I sighed. The fire was nice and warm, and it was beginning to get cold.

Green, Red, and I discussed the events of the day. Each of us had swiftly defeated Erika, the Grass-type gym leader. Then, the whole Team Rocket fiasco... And after that, shopping!

I yawned for the fourth time. "Alright, I think it's time we went to sleep," Green said, patting my head.

"Goodnight, guys," I murmured, crawling into my tent.

I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard some rustling outside my tent. "Huh?" I sat up, waking Eevee.

I unzipped the tent and got out of the tent. "Come on, Eevee," I whispered, and Eevee followed me. When I discovered the source of the noise, I gasped and froze.

'Hypno..." the Pokémon before me murmured. I felt Eevee grow rigid beside me. I stood, paralyzed in fear.

"Eevee!" Eevee charged at the wild Pokémon, using Tackle. The situation was no longer in my control... I shrank to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest, watching the scene before me fearfully.

"Vee!" Eevee cried, using his Growl attack.

Green and Red scrambled out of their tents to see what all of the commotion was.

The wild Hypno used Headbutt, and Eevee fell to the ground. Green and Red both turned toward the tent to grab their Pokéballs, but were interrupted by Eevee's tired cry.

"Vee..." Eevee used Bite, which normally did an average amount of damage, but I remembered that Hypno was a Psychic type, and Dark type moves were super-effective against Psychic Pokémon.

"Hypno..." the Hypno fainted.

I slowly got up from my previous position and went to Eevee. "Oh, Eevee..." I picked him up and held him close to my chest. "Eevee, you saved me... Again," I said, my voice cracking as tears slid down my cheeks. Suddenly, a blinding white light shone from Eevee and I quickly but gently set him down.

"What?" I said quietly. "Eevee is evolving?!"

The light lit up the entire area and contrasted greatly with the nighttime darkness.

The light suddenly stopped. "What the..." I murmured. I couldn't see Eevee—or whatever Eevee had evolved into anywhere. "E-Eevee?"

I felt something on my leg. "Breon." I saw two red eyes peering up toward me. Suddenly I noticed yellow rings begin to glow, and they faintly illuminated the area around Eevee's new form. "An Umbreon?"

*Sniff...* I heard a faint noise behind me. I turned and saw Green dabbing his eyes with his shirttail. When he noticed Red and me looking at him questioningly, he quickly regained his composure.

I chuckled and beheld the new creature. "Wow, you look so... graceful... and beautiful," I said to Umbreon.

"Umbreon..." Umbreon dropped his head.

I picked him up. "Oof...Guess I won't be carrying you around any longer!" Umbreon had nearly tripled in size. I sighed, smiling. Umbreon licked a tear trickling down my cheek.

Green sighed. Clearing his throat, he said, "Well, uh, since that Hypno's gone, let's just go back to sleep."

"Yeah." My voice was a little shaky, since I had been extremely disturbed by the incident.

Red stopped in front of me before following Green. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Yeah..." I muttered, feeling heat rise in my cheeks at the attention he gave me. "Eevee saved me...again!"

"I'm glad," he said back, and pulled me into a very awkward hug.

"Oof," I said, trying not to let Red see my face grow redder by the second.

"Well, see ya tomorrow," he said weakly and got into his tent.

I got into my own tent and laid down on top of my sleeping bag. "Ugh..." I covered my face with my arm. Umbreon nudged my other hand with his head and slid under my arm, snuggling up next to my body. "What am I going to do..." I mumbled to myself. Whenever Red got close to me or if I even saw that smile of his... Agh! It felt like a million Butterfree were fluttering about in my stomach, and my knees would get wobbly... It was definitely a crush.

I sighed and glanced at Umbreon. He was breathing in and out slowly and peacefully. With Umbreon's warm body next to mine, I quickly fell asleep.

Pokémon Trainer Red x Reader: A Journey through Kanto!Where stories live. Discover now