Amnesia Part 1

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Clarke was just walking in the forest, trying to gather any food she could to bring back to camp. It was going to be winter soon and they needed all the food they could get. She was walking underneath some pretty large trees with branches that didn't look all that stable. She heard a crack, and then everything went dark.

Bellamy sat at camp worried, Clarke had been gone for hours, it had been too long.

"Monty, have you seen Clarke?"

"No not since this morning" he replied

"That's it, I'm going after her"

Bellamy set off into the forest in search of her. He walked and walked getting more worried by the minute.

"Clarke!" he called out, no response.

After what seemed like an eternity, he found her.

He almost tripped over her. She was lying underneath a tree and wasn't responsive at all. Suddenly, Bellamy's heart was in his throat. He began shaking her.

"Clarke, wake up. C'mon Princess wake up!"

With no luck, he checked for a pulse, fearing the absolute worst. After a few seconds, he felt it. She had a heartbeat. There was hope yet. He scooped her up into his arms and started back for camp as fast as he could.

When they arrived he started calling for help. Monty and Octavia came rushing over.

"Bellamy, what happened?"

Bellamy, who was hyperventilating, told them: "I don't know she was laying on the ground, she isn't waking up, but she, she..."

"Bell, slow down breathe," his sister said.

"She has a pulse, that's good right?"

"Yes that's good" Monty replied

Monty cleared off a table in the med tent and Bellamy laid Clarke on it.

"What do we do? She's the one who always handles these situations, I don't know what we can do for her"

"Bell, you need to calm down, I'm sure she'll wake up. You need to go outside and get some air or water or something"

"No, I'm not leaving her side until she wakes up"

He didn't. Bellamy spent all 39 hours she was unconscious right by her side, holding her hand.

After those agonizing hours, she opened her eyes and looked around.

"What happened?" she asked

Bellamy immediately embraced her, "Clarke, I'm so happy you're awake"

"Who's Clarke?"

Bellamy sucked in his breath

"Where are we? Who are you? Where are my parents?"

"Clarke, we're on the ground"

"The ground?"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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