Valentine's Day

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I decided to write a short AU on how Bellamy and Clarke celebrate Valentine's Day!

"Oh my gosh, you should hear Lincoln's plan for our Valentine's date" Octavia talked animatedly to her brother Bellamy. "He made dinner reservations at Adrianos, and then we are going to a movie and then..."

"Sounds like he's going all out" Bellamy replied

"He really is! Aren't you doing that for Clarke?"

"Yes and no, she has to work until 10:00 so I don't think she'll be up for going out"

"Ew gross Bellamy"

"C 'mon O, not like that, she'll just be too tired from her shift at the hospital to get dressed up and go out"

"Ok, I get it"

"Have fun with Lincoln!" Bellamy said as she got up to leave

"I will!"

"But not too much fun" he yelled as she left the apartment


Clarke was exhausted and a little sad that she had to work all of Valentine's Day. She looked at her watch, 9:49. Only 11 more minutes, she thought, then she could go see Bellamy. When her shift finally ended, she grabbed her stuff and drove over to his apartment. It started to snow pretty heavily so by the time she reached the door, she was freezing. She knocked.

Bellamy swung the door open and greeted her with his million-watt smile.

"Hey Princess"

"Hey Bell, Happy Valentine's Day"

He led her in wrapping his arms around her

"Clarke, you're freezing"

"I'm not that bad"

"No, you go take a warm shower, relax and then we can hang out."

Clarke gratefully obliged. When she stepped out of the shower she found that Bellamy had laid out one of his shirts and a pair sweatpants for her. God, he was so sweet, she thought. She pulled them on, quickly braided her hair and stepped out of the bathroom. She found Bellamy on the couch, boxes of take-out Chinese in front of him as well as a bouquet of the most beautiful red roses.

"Oh Bellamy, you are the best boyfriend I could ask for"

"I knew you would be too tired to go out so I thought we'd snuggle up here"

"That sounds perfect"

After they had finished eating Clarke got up and pulled a small gift box from her purse. Following suit, Bellamy pulled a similar box out from under the coffee table. 

"I guess we had the same idea," she said

"We always do"

They both proceeded to open their gifts. Bellamy pulled out a silver wristwatch and Clarke pulled out a silver bracelet with a small rectangular plate. 

"Turn it over, it's engraved," Clarke told Bellamy

On the back of the watch face, Bellamy read one word: "together"

"Turn yours over too"

Clarke turned the bracelet over and the back of the rectangle read the exact same thing: "together"

Tears filled her eyes, "oh Bellamy, I love it, thank you so much"

"I love mine too, I will never take it off"

"This couldn't have been a more perfect night. We should always spend Valentine's Day like this, no fuss, just you, me, some take-out, and some comfy clothes"

"Sounds amazing Princess"

"I love you so much Bell"

"I love you too Clarke"


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