He looks at me. "Grab her." He speaks and then they take my arms and I hold my hands up. "Hey listen, it's not like I meant to crash here, I didn't know where else to go. And it's not like I wanted to combust or something like that." They easily move me and the tips of my boots drag against the rock ground.

They continues to guide me out of the cave and I slump down as they carry me. We reach another cave. This one is far bigger than the one I was in before. I look around at the several creatures that look to me and one that sits on the throne of Purple Kyber. I am put on my feet as I look up to the throne. "A Jedi." The one on the throne speaks. "What? No. I am not." I shake my head and then he stands with a few pebbles breaking and falling to the ground.

He walks down and to me. "We thought they were all dead." He speaks with a deep voice. "Only Kylo Ren to be the last." He looks to me and I part my lips. "I'm not-.." he shakes his head and looks to me. "We had one other Jedi come to us long ago. He put me back together with the force." The rock creature moves back to his throne. "I heard of this story once.. Mace Windu.. He has been dead a long time.."

He speaks again. "And I have been alive for longer." He nods his head once and I look to him. "My crystals have called upon you." He looks to me and I furrow my brows. "We shall help your ship and you shall be on your way, young Jedi." He nods and I part my lips. "What about the Crystals?" I look to him. "You will get it on Illum like the rest of you."


The next day my ship is being worked on by the several Hurikane creatures. I sit down onto the rocks and cross my legs, closing my eyes. I let out soft breaths as I meditate my mind and slow it to be one with the force. I place my finger tips on the ground and feel the vibrations of everything. I open my eyes and hear the small pebbles hit the ground as I hear loud footsteps my way.

I look back and stand as I see the Indigenous one coming my way. I look up to him as he bows his head slightly. "Your ship has been repaired." I bow my head and look up to him. "Thank you. For fixing my ship. I hope to one day see your people again." I smile lightly to him and he nods.

I turn and start walking to my ship. "The wielders of purple lightsabers include that of isolation, sympathy, and compassion." I stop and look back to him. "They are individuals that know their true self, but are prone to their emotions and temper. Towing the delicate balance of patience and disarray, these warriors occasionally lose control. When it comes to battle, these duelists crave glory, and their level of excitement rises to an all-time high in the heat of the moment. They embrace the wrath of war." I turn towards him as he reaches to his left shoulder, breaking the Crystal from the rock formation.

"You May seem calm outside, but it does not battle the storm within of Red and Blue." He holds it out to me and I step to him. I take it lightly and hold it in my hands. "May the force be with you." He speaks lowly and I look up to him, gripping it into my hand. I bow to him and then step onto my ship. I place it in my bag and take a breath.


I continue to drift in space until I'm able to make it to a place of safety. A place where people are just like me and some that are not. Naboo.

I hyperspeed into the galaxy and make my way to it. I land in a desolate place. One that doesn't have anyone around. The waterfalls crash to the water below but I shall stay away from it due to the horrendous creatures that lie below its deep surfaces. Only for fresh water. This will be where I meditate. Where the beautiful sounds surround me.

I step from the ship and take my bag with me as I move along the bushes and such, looking for berries or food. I smile at the tree that is there. Fruit. Prickly Fruits at that. The same ones from Jedi Training. I pick several of them and place them on the fold of my shirt. I move away from it and then sit down in the patch of grass, tearing it's skin away. I bite into the fruit and look around the area. I could be here forever in honesty. Alone and listening to the water.

ᴀ ᴊᴇᴅɪs ᴛᴀʟᴇ. || ᴋʏʟᴏOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora