"Come on." Michael tried to usher his kids out the same exit.

"What, why?" Dani furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't trust these people," Michael whispered. "We need to leave."

"Dad, Caitlin still needs to run tests on Dani." Zander protested.

"She can have it done somewhere else," Michael stated.

Dani took a step back. "No. Dad, I trust these people and yeah Cisco made a mistake but that's just part of being human. He didn't have evil intentions and he feels guilty."

"I'm not letting you risk your life over this." Michael's voice slowly rose.

"I don't have a life, Dad!" Dani shouted. "I'm already dead. Nothing else can happen to me."

Michael gave his daughter a sad look, giving in to her kicked puppy expression. "Fine." He turned to Zander. "Keep an eye on her."

"Always." Zander nodded, turning to Caitlin once his father left. "So... you had tests to run?"

* * *

An hour later, Caitlin stood in front of the Rhodes siblings, giving them her theory on what happened to Dani.

"Based on what you told me and what the test results say, I think that you just started using your powers too soon," Caitlin said simply.

Dani gave her a skeptical look. "Are you sure? I mean, what does that even mean?"

"As I mentioned to you earlier, the vast majority of the energy in your system was concentrated around your stab wound. Now, we know for sure that it was healing it. So, when you first woke up after you died, the energy was kick-starting your system and you using your powers when the energy you needed was being used to heal your wound, the energy levels fluxed, causing you to start to die again and cause you unbearable pain." Caitlin explained.

Dani just slowly nodded, trying to understand the information as best she could along with her brother.


"Fascinating." Dr. Wells finished for Zander. The Rhodes siblings turned to him with confused looks.

"Your powers are quite extraordinary, Miss Rhodes." Dr. Wells added after seeing the expression on Dani and Zander's faces. "I would love to run a few tests of my own."

Dani glanced at her brother before quickly shaking her head. "Sorry, but I'm not really up for more tests."

"Well, it doesn't have to be right now. But maybe someday soon." Wells persisted.

"Uh, sure, maybe." Dani faked a smile.

Just then, Felicity reentered the cortex. "I just finished talking to Barry. It might take some time but I think he'll come around."

"Thank you, Felicity." Caitlin smiled.

Dani stood up, walking towards the blonde. "Hey, Felicity, can talk to you for a second?"

Felicity gave her an unreadable look. "Sure." She replied with an edge in her voice.

Dani led the way into the hallway, going far enough so that her conversation with Felicity would be private.

"So, I talked to Cheyanne after you left the hospital." She turned to face Felicity once she stopped.

"Really? You get my sister hurt and you're still buddies?" Felicity tilted her head to the side.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dani scoffed.

"Cheyanne got shot because you played hero." Felicity accused. "I know first hand what dangers come with being friends with a hero and I don't want my sister apart of that."

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