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As I sat in my room, eating potato chips and watching Steven Universe, I heard a knock at my window. I pushed back the curtains and saw Deceit, smirking at me through the window. I sighed loudly, and shook my head. He pouted dramatically, and I caved and opened the window.
"Thank you Virgil, you are so kind to let a poor young soul like me in here!" He said.
"Can you be quiet? What do you want, Fork-tongue?"
"Virgil, how many times do I have to remind you I'm not an actual snake?" He sighed dramatically.
"Don't care, Forky. Now, answer the damn question." I put it as bluntly as I could. I hated being near Deceit. It reminded me all too much of how it used to be, and I hated how it used to be.
"The lights are on, Virgil. I was worried."
I sighed and put my hand to my forehead. The lights are alarm lights, that signal when somethings wrong, like high anxiety or panic attacks or illness. Unfortunately, most of the time they're on is because of me.
"I'll try to stop it, okay? Now go away, Snakeshit. I'm busy." I went to unpause, but Deceit hugged my from behind.
"I miss you." He said, hugging me tight.
"And I don't miss you." I tried to shake him off of me.
He mumbled something in reply, and I ignored him.
"Get off! Can't you see I don't want you here!"
He mumbled again.
"Why do you keep mumbling?! I'm trying to watch a show!"
"Liar." He said loudly. "You're lying."
I froze. "No, I'm not."
"Shut up! I don't care about what you have to say, anyways."
"Shut up!" I turned to look at him. He was silent for a second, before looking at me.
"You actually miss me?" He smiled slightly.
"I do not miss you! You're wrong!" I raised my voice.
I turned away from him. "Go away. I don't want you here." I tried to assert some confidence into my voice.
"Liar." he whispered, smiling.
"Say that one more time and I will-" Janus had yanked me backwards, onto my bed.
"Oh, Virgil. I miss you too. I know things ended on very bad terms but I was hoping we could try make amends!"
"I don't want to. What don't you get?!" I cried.
"Liar. Anyways, Remus is very lonely these days, you know! No big brother, No Virgin- I mean Virgil to annoy..."
"You're proving my point." I glared at him.
"No, you're proving mine!" He pointed at me. "You can't just ditch the people who raised you, who you've been with for your entire life for some strangers and not miss them. It's impossible!"
"Then I guess I'm impossible." I snapped back at him.
"Liar! You keep lying to me thinking I won't know! You've gotten so sloppy, Vee!"
I could feel my teeth grinding together.
"You never told me why you came here." I decided to change the subject. "You just said 'I miss you,' and you're not the romantic type."
Deceit smirked. "I've decided to help you, Vee. To make up for what happened. I found out I can do something."
Well this wasn't gonna be good.
"Janus, whatever it is, don't do it." I sat up, and stared at him seriously. He chuckled, and grabbed my face.
"You haven't changed a bit, Vee. You're still as naïve as ever. You know you can't change my mind." He was still giving me that strange smile.
"Janus... don't do it. I don't know what it is you're going to do, but I know you. And that's know I know it's probably a terrible idea." I decided to add one petty comment in there, but this just made him laugh and smile wider.
"You're so consistent! I love it! These 'light sides" could never change who you really are, Virge. Come back to us after all this is done, alright?" He turned away from me and towards the door.
"Deceit!" I called out. He gave me one glance, before flicking his hands towards me, causing me to pass out.
I always hated how he could do that.

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