The Flashback pt.5

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Bakugou POV:

I woke up still in Kirishima's lap. He hadn't moved an inch since I fell asleep on him. I immediatly shot up for some reason

"Babe, it's ok I'm not gonna hit you" Kirishima said

I sat back down next to him, still a little tence. He put his hand on my thigh and I tenced up a little more

"Baby, it's ok" Kirishima said as he rubbed my thigh

"Well you can't just hit me several times and expect me to trust you again" I thought

I wanted to say that to him, but I didn't cause I didn't want to get hit again. I grabbed an ice pack and put it on my bruise. I was still a little tence, but I loosened up a bit. He still scared me cause I didn't know when he'd hit me

"I'm gonna go take a walk" I said to Kirishima as I got up

"Ok. Do you have your phone?" Kirishima asked

"Yup" I said as I held up my phone

"Ok, love you" Kirishima said

"Love you too" I said as I walked out of the door

"Why does he feel like it's ok to hit me?" I asked myself

I walked passed Deku and Todoroki's dorm

"STOP FUCKING CRYING!" I heard Todoroki yell

I then hear a loud crash aainst the wall. It sounded like a glass cup breaking. Deku then ran out of the room crying

"Deku wait!" I yelled

He turned around really quickly and then ran to me

"K-Kaachan, help p-please" Deku said as he sobbed

"What happened?" I asked worried

"He hit m-me and then I started c-crying and then he k-kept telling me to stop crying a-and then eventually h-he threw a glass c-cup at me and then a p-piece of glass c-cut me" Deku tried to explain as he sobbed

"Where the fuck are you" Todoroki said in an angry voice

Deku quickly hid behinde me

"Oh, hey Bakugou" Todoroki said

"Sup Todoroki" I said

"Have you uh, seen Midoryia anywhere recently?" Todoroki asked

"Nope" I said

"Ok, thanks" Todoroki said as he walked off

"No problem" I said

Deku slowly looked around me to see if Todoroki was anywhere near him. Todoroki wasn't anywhere near us anymore. I looked at Deku and he looked scared for his life.

"Hey, it's ok...he left" I said trying to get him to stop crying

"I hate to say this, but...he's kinda becoming like his father" Deku said as he tried to stop crying

"Let's go to the park and take a walk. That's where I was headed anyways" I said

We started walking in the park

"He's scaring me" Deku said

"I know...Kirishima is scaring me too" I said

"I mean...they're supposed to be heros...not villians" Deku said

"I know...I'm not sure why they're acting like this" I explained

"Me either. Also why are you being nice to me? Cause you've never been nice to me until recently" Deku explained as he looked up at me

"Well, I just realized that...there's no point in being rude to you anymore" I explained

"Oh ok" Deku said as he looked back ahead

"I mean...if I knew that Kirishima would have been like this then I wouldn't have asked him out or started dating him. Now I can't say that I wouldn't have liked him cause we can't control if we like someone or not" I explained

"I feel the same way about Todoroki. I mean he always talked about how he didn't want to be like his father, but...that doesn't seem to be working" Deku explained

"Yeah, and when I started liking Kirishima he was nice, and caring, and respectful, and wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was a villain, but's like it's not really him" I explained

"And it's the same way for me about Todoroki. I never thought he would be like this" Deku explained

After a couple hours of walking

"I think I should head back before I get hit again" I said as I stopped walking

"I thought you had your phone on you" Deku said confused

"I do, but I think he wants me home at certain time" I explained

"Oh ok, I guess it's time for me to get hit" Deku said

We walked back to our dorms

"You're on time" Kirishima said as he looked up from his phone

"Sorry, I was taking a walk" I said as I tenced up

"It's fine" Kirishima said

He motioned for me to sit on the bed next to him. I sat next to him ready to be hit. I was tence as fuck and it was noticable

"You don't have to be so tence everytime you see me" Kirishima explained as he messed with my hair

"I just don't want to be hit" I said

"I promise you won't be hit" Kirishima said

"Ok" I said

Kirshima kissed me and I kissed him back. He turned on the tv

"Wanna watch something?" Kirishima asked

"Could we watch a horror movie?" I asked

"Sure" Kirishima said

He turned on Netflix and tried to find a horror movie

"Which one?" Kirishima asked

"Mercy Black?" I asked

"Ok" Kirishima said as he turned on Mercy Black

The movie started and we started watching it. I pulled out some Pocky concidering it was my favourite snack

After the movie was over

I started wondering if this was even Kirishima cause normally with horror movies he'd scream or get scared, but he laughed when someone died and he didn't get scared at the jump scares. I brushed off the thought and moved on. I looked at the time. It was 12:53am. I looked over at Kirishima and he was asleep. I decided to stay up and atch tv since I wasn't tired. Next thing I knew, when I looked at the time, it was 4:34am

"Jeez, I need to get some sleep" I thought to myself

I decided not to sleep cause I still wasn't tired. A couple minutes later, I decided to try and get some sleep. I layed down and fell asleep

(1,042 words)

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