Chapter 7: "Can you swap our classes for us?"

Começar do início

"Scarlett, I don't think your new, uh, friend is in kindergarten. He can surely talk now, can't he? Emmett asked, wiggling his eyebrows at the word friend. So it was embarrass-the-hell-out-off-Scarlett-aka-the-only-person-who-sides-with-me time now, was it? I blushed at it anyway.

"Um yeah, I'm Nathan Cullen." Nathan said, oblivious to Emmett's suggestive comment.

"And this is Emmett....," "Evan," "Adrian" and "Allie". They all said their names in order.

"And this is Lauren," Emmett began and I cut him off, turning the tables on him, "Well, Em, your new, uh, friend can also introduce herself, can't she?" I asked, equally suggestively.

"There's no need. We already know each other." Nathan said.

"Know? We....." Lauren began, but she was cut off by Emmett.

"Babe, won't you tell Scarlett you're not just a friend anymore?" Emmett said, a smirk beginning to form on his face. It was evident that I, Scarlett Woods, had yet again been unsuccessful in annoying the hell out of Emmett.

"Oh, yeah, Emmy-poo is dating Lauren now!" Evan said. Maybe Emmett had annoyed the hell out of him too.

"Awww! Emmy-poo is going out with a girl now, is he?" I asked in cutesy voice, pinching Emmett's cheeks. Oh and I used the one thing that always does annoy Emmett: his nickname.

Emmett growled. I'm not even kidding, he really did.

We spent the next twenty minutes eating our food without any major casualties. Unless you counted me, uh, accidentally spilling some punch on Emmett's new plaid trousers.

"So, Nathan, when did you start school here?" Adrian asked him once we were done with lunch.

"About four days ago, I guess. I lived in NYC but had to move here due to some reasons and well here I am now!" He replied with a shrug.

"Ah alright. So where do you live?" Evan jumped in.

"Um, I live on 18th Avenue if that's what you mean." Nathan answered simply.

"That's where Scarlett lives! Maybe you and her could get together and you know do stuff!" Allie piped up. I rolled my eyes at her not so subtle attempts to play matchmaker. Nathan, obviously sensing Allie's intentions as well chuckled playfully.

"Well as much as it was fun to be interrogated by all of you. I think I should get going." Nathan stated, clearly embarassed by all the inquisitiveness.

"I'll join you. I need to collect my homework for the next class from my locker anyway." I declared, eager to get away from all the teasing. I stuffed the water bottle into my bag and got up to follow Nathan, ignoring all the looks and winks.

Once we were safely out of the cafeteria, I turned to Nathan and struck up a conversation.

"I'm sorry about before. Those idiots have no sense of boundaries. They can be a handful sometimes but really, they mean well." I exclaimed, eager to have him hang out around me more.

"Nah, that's alright. I get it, they're just looking out for you. Besides, a couple of questions aren't going to scare me away." He assured me.

"Alright then, I'm glad. How do you like it here so far?" I questioned.

"It's nice, I suppose." He surmised.

"The best part being?" I pressed on for an answer, not wanting conversation to end.

"Up till yesterday, the library. Today onwards, lunch break with you." He replied, an earnest gleam in his eyes.

"And my friends." I added, blushing at his response.

"Right. Them too." He answered, chuckling, before he stopped in front of a classroom.

"My class is here and I should probably get going, I suppose. I'll see you tomorrow?" He confirmed, adjusting the strap of his bag.

"If we happen not to meet today!" I answered smiling.

Nathan nodded and gave me one last smile before walking in. The tardy bell rang but I just kept on smiling like an idiot.

Having someone, a rather attractive someone at that, say something sweet to you often makes other stuff like being on time for French seem not so important sometimes.


Hey guys!

You are all awesome readers! I love you all!

Nothing else to say.

Except.... NATHAN!!! Haha talk about him please! :D

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Because I'm a Nerd. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora