26 | SEE

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"sicheng!" the japanese boy called for his friend. the younger of the two turned back to see who it was, but immediately turned back around and began to walk the other direction. "wait, don't go!"

the chinese boy heaved out a long sigh and began to walk away, hoping that the other couldn't catch up to him. however, luck wasn't on his side when he felt yuta get a grip on his left arm and hold on to it like his life depended on it.

"can't you just leave me alone?!" sicheng harshly removed his wrist from the older's hold and turned around while asking yuta the question, to which the other was shocked from the sudden loud voice that came from the chinese.

"then at least answer me this... why are you suddenly ignoring me?" yuta asked the younger. the light blond haired boy rolled his eyes, clearly irritated by the japanese boy who wouldn't leave him alone.

"i just need some space, please," sicheng said softly, almost inaudibly, but the other heard loud and clear. the younger of the two turned around and began to walk away, leaving yuta there without a reason to chase after him again.

turning back around towards the direction he came from, the purple haired boy didn't know why his friend was suddenly ignoring him after he confessed a little over a week ago. the purple haired boy didn't want to lose his best friend over his crush, which yuta thought was the reason sicheng was ignoring him.

"what's happening between us...?" yuta asked himself, looking behind him to see no trace of sicheng. the japanese boy was worried about their friendship that seemed to have suddenly went down the drain, and the high school student could do nothing about it.
the purple haired japanese boy was currently in mark and donghyuck's room. the two best friends were sitting on the older's bed while yuta sat on the other's bed.

"i just... don't know what to do. i mean, i want to trust him again, but it seems so hard because of everything that happened, from him suddenly ignoring me to insulting me to starting to chase after me," the japanese said to his two younger friends. not only was yuta concerned about how he was feeling towards his current situation, he also had to deal with his crush that he still had on sicheng, despite everything that the younger had done to him.

"honestly, hyung... it's amazing that you still like him that much even after everything that he's done to you. like he ignored you because he was homophobic and made an excuse saying that he needed space, he insulted you only to give himself a reason to be right, and even hurt you so much this past year. i don't even know how you still like him!" donghyuck exclaimed to his japanese friend.

the purple haired boy just let out a chuckle. "you know whats funny? it barely takes anytime to fall in love, but it's complete torture when its time to say goodbye." the look in yuta's eyes say that he was trying to move on, but failed to do so, because even after everything the boy had gone through, he was still loyal.

"but hey, sicheng's trying to fix everything now," mark said, trying to assure his older friend.

"that doesn't change the feeling in my heart. i feel like i can't trust anyone anymore, i can't love anyone anymore, and i can't feel anymore. i feel so numb... the weird thing is, i should be glad that sicheng is trying to fix us again, but how come i feel like it would've been better if our friendship just ended?" the purple haired boy asked, more of leaning the question to himself.

"because it's sicheng. you've had a crush on him since you met him. that was four - now five - years ago. of course it's going to be hard to let go of your best friend and crush of that many years, and also because you know that sicheng is your one external weakness. you know very well that you can't let him go, so why are you constantly letting him out of your grasp?" donghyuck asked his purple haired friend, also curious himself as to why the older was letting sicheng out of his grasp.

"i told you that sicheng would come around, so at least give him a chance to explain himself. even though you already know the motive behind his actions in the past, that doesn't mean that he knows that you know. you should at least let him explain. don't let him become you; give him the chance that you never got," mark pushed his hair back because it was falling into his face and gave yuta a small smile. "trust me. if you think you've put in all the effort you can, then this can be the last thing you do until all of that effort runs out."

"tell me how i can get him to listen, please, guanheng," sicheng begged his chinese friend to give him advice on how to make yuta listen to him

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"tell me how i can get him to listen, please, guanheng," sicheng begged his chinese friend to give him advice on how to make yuta listen to him.

"why can't you figure it out yourself?" the chinese asked the other, wonder how ignorant sicheng could be. "just tell him what you're feeling."

"i did, but he thought i was lying because he isn't able to trust me like he used to do..."

the light brown haired boy was currently inside guanheng's dorm room. the third years were still on their trip and they wouldn't return until the next day, which guanheng wasn't looking forward to since his roommate would be returning. however, that wasn't his main concern at the moment. the chinese boy was more worried about whether sicheng would be able to do what he wanted to do, which was to fix his friendship with the purple haired japanese boy.

"guanheng... help a brother out... please...?"

the black haired boy stopped reviewing his korean notes and sighed, turning around in his chair to face his struggling friend who seemed desperate for help.

"what did you say to him last time you talked to him?" guanheng asked his light brown haired friend.

"i just told him that i still have the keychain he gave me, and that i was genuinely sorry and that i wanted him to know that. i made sure to say things that were right and that wouldn't make anything worse," the chinese boy replied to his friend's question. the other just shook his head.

"talk to him. that's the only thing that's going to make things right," guanheng said. he sighed and turned back in his chair to reopen his korean class notebook to review them in order not to forget what he had learned.

"okay... do you think i should plan what i say?"

the black haired boy turned to look at his friend who was already planning what to say in his head. guanheng shook his head at his friend and told him one thing for sicheng to remember when talking to yuta.

"don't just say things that you think are right. say the things that come from your heart, the bottom of your heart."

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