Chapter 8: Spinel's Therapy

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Spinel slept a little bit that night. She mostly stayed awake so she can snuggle the unconscious Steven. She returned him to his orginal sleeping position on the floor before he woke up so she doesn't have any discussion about her recent decision.

Today, Steven was taking Spinel to the therapist that she wanted to see. He said the therapist would see her today so he got her ready to go. Once they reached the door, Steven spoke to her.

(Steven) Spinel, you don't have to do this if your not comfortable with it.

(Spinel) No, I want to do this so I can get better so I'm not a misfit.

(Steven) Sometimes being a misfit is what makes you unique and people tend to like other people for being unique.

(Spinel) But my "issues" do not benefit anyone. I just wanna get better.

(Steven) If you say so.

They opened the door and went inside.

(Steven) You don't need to worry about the therapist. He's really nice when he's not being a therapist and is really fair.

(Spinel) You know him?

(Steven) Sorta. I only seen him once when he's not in this place. I have seen him a couple times when I was sent here. But enough about me, it's time to meet him.

He led her to a door which took her into a room with a man sitting in a chair.

(Steven) Here he is.

(Thrapist) Good morning Steven and I assume this is Spinel?

(Steven) Yes.

(Spinel) H-hi.

(Thrapist) Spinel, I hope you are comfortable about sharing your feelings and how you feel here.

She had red spread on her face.

(Spinel) E-everything?

(Thrapist) Let me restate, everything relevant to any mental problems you have.

She felt better now knowing that she won't admit her feelings about Steven.

(Spinel) You won't tell anyone about what I'm saying to you, right?

(Therapist) I am legally not allowed to share anything from my patients unless I'm given a warrant for it.

(Spinel) Hmm?

(Steven) He won't tell anyone unless he's forced too.

(Spinel) Whew, okay.

(Therapist) Steven. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave the room momentarily.

Spinel's eyes widen when she saw Steven heading for the door.

(Spinel) Where are you going?!

(Steven) I'm not allowed to be in here. I won't be gone for long. I'm just outside the room.

(Thrapist) In order to help you, we must be alone.

(Steven) He won't be mean or anything. He just wants to help you.

Spinel took a moment to process everything.

(Spinel) Okay.

Steven left the room.

(Therapist) So, what would you like to talk about?

(Spinel) I-I want to not be hurt on the inside.

(Therapist) Please use proper grammar when speaking to me. Sorry if I sound arrogant.

(Spinel) I'm just saying what I want and how I feel.

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