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Irene walked briskly past the fans at the airport, her gaze cast low as they surrounded her. She could feel tears threaten to slip as her bodyguards tried their best to keep fans at a distance. She was tired. So tired. A fifteen hour flight and to add to it a bunch of angry male fans because she was reading a feminist book. She watched in horror on the plane as they burned her pictures; cackling in the background as though it was nothing. Her manager taking her phone of her and telling her not to pay attention to it. She laughed in her head bitterly as fans were shouting it at her forcing her to remember it. She gulped back the tears before halting, looking up as she crouched down, fans swarming her as her bodyguards were pushed to the side. She sighed as phones were pushed into her face with books and pens.

It wasn't until an hour later that she had returned home. The girls had gone out for the night. Silence rang out as she dropped her belongings to the floor, her eyes staring into the darkness, as she crashed into her bed seconds later, her tears slipping finally. She let herself cry for five minutes before picking herself back up. She turned to her phone, watching the video again, the menacing laughter torturing her heart as she suppressed the sob that threatened to rip at her throat. She took time to try and steady her breathing but failed miserably as her sobs got louder. Seconds later her phone went off the banner reading Jackson's name. Her eye brows tensing in confusion as she managed to calm herself.

Her and Jackson had never been extremely close. It was hard too. Both belonging to rival companies and interactions limited. They knew off each other, but they didn't know each other. Things were looking up however in 2017 with them MCing for KBS Korea and Vietnam good relations festival. They finally got a chance to speak and begin to get to know each other. That night she felt herself change, as though a light switch had been flipped. She eased into conversation with him, laughing at small things he did and her eyes fought against her mind to watch him, drawn in to the point she did not want to let go. In his presence she felt nothing but protection and peace...two things her heart yearned for. On that night she saw him, the two conversing on the flight they shared, him constantly making her laugh as he watched her with a smile. She felt herself fall in seconds, a fall she had not anticipated, and from then she felt her eyes search for him at every event, begging for a small exchange even if it was limited, she needed some medicine for her heart but she did not get what she needed. His career sky rocketing, some events missed as Irene felt her mood slip before forcing on the facade. And that was the precise reason as to why she could not comprehend what the hell was going on. Her tears dried on her face as he triple messaged her. She closed her eyes clicking on the message, her mind taunting her saying that he probably meant to text someone else. Slowly she opened one eye, the next opening seconds later as she read what he sent.

From Jackson
Hey Irene
I know this seems out of the blue
But I saw what happened and I was just worried about you and so thought I'd text to see if you were okay.

She slapped herself making sure she wasn't dreaming, screaming to the above that her eyes best not be deceiving her. She took a deep breath.

From Irene
Hey Jackson, thanks for reaching out, it means a lot that you care.

She instantly received a message her heart doing a summersault in its cage.

From Jackson
Of course I care we are friends, I told you on that night with San E that I'd protect you. A promise is promise for life.

Her heart melted instantly, a smile that had been lost through the day returning.

From Irene
Stop your gonna melt this ice queen. 🙈🙈🙈

From Jackson
Pretty sure that's a good thing so I'm gonna take that and carry on.

From Irene

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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