Unplussed Me

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This unplussed me,
That is quite me,
Let me sigh for now
Eat me alive: I'll show you now.

You don't need to pry,
You're gonna cry
Don't wander
Into deep lusters
You will turn into a dice
Bejng chased like a mice

You're not solo you know,
So don't profess,
Don't mock,
Or tell a flock of fibs.

You'll loose cause you aren't aware
I seem to know you.
You have a tercet psyche
So do I,
The difference is...
You aren't aware of it,
While I am.

Don't worry we're living life unplussed,
Minding our own,
Thinking our own

You're nobody's foe,
Nor the opposite,
You can't say,
You can't pledge,
Cause you're human,
And OH human!
You lie,
Just like I do,
A dust of hypocrite and faith is within you,
You're choosing between the two,
Every ounce of second in the minutes you live.

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