Craziest Imaginations

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It's strange,
Even i don't understand,
Why I'm writing this,
Stupid piece of writing!

Immersed in the scene of my novel,
I begin to think strangely,
As if I writing my own story,
I knew it wasn't going to be that interesting though,
It's the same old hag we're talking about,
The same girl with incomplete dreams and wishes.

Upon looking down from the moving bus,
I saw the water like roads,
Looking to the sea,
Made me feel as if it's was burning,
It was angry,
Seeing the sand,
I noticed it was different,
Not a bit of dirt but glitter that sparkled,
I saw my foot drying up a layer of surface of the wet sand when I stepped on it, making a circle,
I noticed myself going against the wind and recklessly heading towards the sea.

Then I thought about how helpless I was,
Just a girl,
With a few small aims,
A hopeless person,
With nothing but choices in the hands, that are limited to some extent,
I thought about what I was and what I am,
There was nothing interesting to write about.
I came back to reality realizing how time's changed, it's strange,
Strange things don't happen,
But feelings occur,
It was just one of my craziest imaginations!

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