Chapter 16: The Secret

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Characters: Young Justice team, Dick, Deathstroke, Sportsmaster, Chesire and Lex Luthor

Words (excluding this and last part):2507

Dick was with the bomb and running as fast as he could. All he could hear was the bomb ticking and his heart pounding viciously against his chest. 

"Got to get this out, got to get this out." Dick muttered under his breath.

Deathstroke, Joker and the others watched as Dick tried to run away with the bomb.

"Look at him go, Deathy." The Joker joked.

"Once it blows, make sure we are the ones to get him."


The sound made Artemis' heart stop beating. Her crush, Dick, was gone. Aqualad heard the sound too. He felt a wave of sorrow hit him like a current. 

"Dick...." Artemis whispered out his name, making both of them look down. 

"We must continue. Nightwing would have wanted us to continue with the mission."

"No. We must go back for him. We need him. Please, Aqualad." Artemis begged the Atlantean.

"I am very sorry Artemis. But we must go. We could risk all of them getting hurt." Aqualad tried to persuade Artemis.

"I don't care. I'm going back for him." Artemis ran off before Aqualad could stop her. He sighed. 

Artemis slowly drew out her bow, and took an arrow out. She looked around the warehouse before heading through the back exit, where Dick went. Her heart throb was missing. She was worried for him. This was only his first mission and he has already gone missing.

"Dick?" She half- whispered.

"No. Try Deathstroke." Deathstroke stood from behind her and snapped his fingers. The Joker appeared with Dick in his grasp. He tossed him on the floor, still unconscious. 

"What did you do to him?"

"We knocked him out. Well, the bomb did half the work for us. We just finished the job. Don't worry, he's still alive. We need him for many things. You may be of use as well." Deathstroke unsheathed his sword.

Artemis backed up. She raised her bow at him, ready to shoot him any time when all of a sudden, she bumped into something behind her.

"Dad...." Artemis looked up at Sportsmaster.

"We need you, daughter." Artemis was confused. She was then knocked out be Chesire.

"We now have both! This will  be so fun! Right, Deathy??" Joker poked Deathstroke. He shot him a glare with his one good eye before easing up and nodding his head in agreement. The Joker clapped his hands in joy before whistling for Harley Quinn to come with the helicopter.

"Where is she? What is that sound?" Aqualad mumbled to himself. He looked up, shocked to see a huge helicopter with Joker's face on it. He squinted and saw both Dick and Artemis. He was mad at Artemis and worried for both of them.

He quickly started up the Bio-ship and went after them. But he thought it would not be such a good idea since all his teammates were unconscious in the back. He grunted before turning the ship round heading back to Mt. Justice. While he drove the ship, he wondered what he was going to tell Green Arrow and worse, Batman. How would you tell someone their protege, much like a child to them, was missing? Not only missing, but missing with the villains? He sighed and continued the long journey back.

*water splashing* *heavy panting*

Dick woke up tied to a chair. Artemis was in what seemed to be an observation room on a higher floor. She was tied to a chair too, but not woken up by the cold, morning water hitting her face like a thousand needles. Dick turned to his left, only to be greeted by the worse sight, the Joker and Deathstroke. He clenched his fists in anger.

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