Chapter 10: New And Old Robin

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This chapter includes some hoarse language. Basically swear words. And a sexual scene. Plese, proceed with caution if you're too young. Happy reading!

Characters: The whole Teen Titans, Bruce, Jason, The Joker

Words (excluding this and last part): 3133

"I'm so glad you two have acquainted. Now, Alfred will show you to your room." Bruce then motioned Alfred to show Dick to his old room.

"It it the same one?"

"Yes. Of course it is. It has been empty since you.....left. But let's close that chapter, shall we?"

"When did I say that I wanted to stay here?"

"Well, you have a suitcase with you and you've parked your motorbike in my garage. Are you not moving in?" Bruce smirked. Dick wasn't shocked. He lived with the whole detective-like stuff since he moved to the Wayne Manor. 

"Well....I... I have no where to go but I was just gonna ask you for a place for me to stay, not to stay with you. Unless, you have a place for me. If you don't, then I'll stay here."

"I don't have any vacant places for you now. All my safe houses have been taken up. By all the Justice League runaways. *chuckles* Much like how you ran away from your team when they needed you the most. Didn't you?" Bruce provoked Dick unintentionally.

"I didn't run away from them. I wanted to help them. To make them realized that they would be better off without me. To be without such a controlling leader breathing down on their necks all the time. I wanted to save them, from me. From my horrible attributes. From my disability to protect them, to shield them from discrimination, to shield them from pain. I failed as a leader, a parental figure to them. I basically failed them. They need a leader who can protect them. And that leader is not me. It is someone else." Dick was half way up the stairs and just stood there, waiting for Bruce's reaction.

"Dick, I'm sorry if I have pushed the wrong buttons but, you are not a horrible leader. You're a great one. But if you are moving here, your team will not be able to survive out there. They need you to lead them. Dick, they are just some teenagers. They don't know what to do. You need to guide them. Anyway it's your choice. Not mine. You decide if you want to stay here, or go back to Jump City to help your friends." Bruce gave Dick a hard choice to others but not to him. He had already decided what to do.

He was going to stay. He was going to let his team suffer and grow stronger by themselves. He can't be there all the time to help them. One day, he'll eventually have to leave the Titans. Him being the oldest, he would most likely be the first one to leave. 

And that's exactly what he told Bruce.

"So, you're staying. Well then. Alfred, show him to his room. Thank you." 

Dick then followed Alfred to his room.

It was all the same. When he opened the door, cold air came flooding out. Bruce had switched on the air conditioner 1 hour before he arrived. The posters that he stuck on the wall and the pictures that he hung were all there. It was as if no one had touched it for years. He left when he was 13. It had been 4 years and not a single thing had been changed. His bed sheet and pillow case were still the same.

"Thanks Alfred."

"You are welcomed, Master Dick. Would you like a beverage? Perhaps an orange soda? They were always your favorite." Alfred chuckled. Something he didn't often do. 

"Yeah. Sure. Thanks again, Alfred. It's good to be home." Dick smiled at the butler who was already ready to get his soda with a cloth over his left forearm, holding it at a 90 degree angle. 

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