Chapter 11: A New Member

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Characters: Dick, Jason, Raven, Bruce, Alfred

Words (excluding this and back part): 2854

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Dick's alarm rang. He woke up in a weird environment when he realized that he was in Wayne Manor. He just wasn't used to it. When he got up to go and knock on Jason's door, he found a note on his nightstand.

It read:

"Hey there Dick. Good morning. I assume you wake up in the morning. Anyway, I have already told Bruce about leaving him for the Teen Titans. He took it surprisingly well. Well, I'm currently on my way to Jump City. I took a bike. Bruce gave me one too. Well, if you're up at like 8 am, I should be halfway there already. Thanks for talking to me.

Oh yeah, and Bruce isn't pissed at all. He was normal. Just, plain old Bruce. Bye. :)"

Dick chuckled. He was starting to like Jason and thought that he would be a great addition to the Teen Titans. He saw potential, much like Bruce. Jason had skills. Besides, he was four years younger than Dick. Meaning that he was stronger, smarter and fresher.

Dick then started his day, still worrying about Raven. He wondered if he had made the wrong choice by leaving her to deal with the Titans alone and add onto her burden by giving her another Titan to take care of.

His phone started to vibrate and he picked it up. He had recently transferred all his stuff on his communicator to his phone given to him by Bruce.

"Raven, hey how you doing with all the kids?" Dick chuckled. He referred to the other Titans as 'kids' because they were childish and immature.

"Dick, you need to come back now. It's literally chaos here. I need help, ok? I need your help. Please, just come back. I-I can't deal with all this pressure. Dick, just come back to the Tower. Everybody's missing you. Starfire keeps staying in her room, Cyborg hasn't slept in days, Beast Boy hasn't been playing his games like he usually does. And this guy you told me about, Jason Todd, for the 1 hour he's been here, he's already made a mess. He won't listen to me or anyone. Looks like he'll only listen to you. Look Dick, the only way the Titans can get back to shape, is if you step in. If you keep hiding in Gotham, the Teen Titans will fall apart. And by the time you come back, there will be no Titans. So, it's your choice. Either you suck it up and come back or you stay there in Gotham, and watch as we fall apart." Raven didn't hang up. She wanted an answer. But there was no answer. Dick had already hung up after she finished.

He wasn't going back. He wanted Raven to fight through this struggle herself. He wanted her to grow stronger. He knew that she had leadership qualities. She had potential. Dick loaded up the security footage from the Tower. He wanted to literally watch the Titans struggle to deal with his absence. They could do this when he went to Asia to further his fighting skills.

"Oh my god, I'm going to kill this Dick." Raven muttered under her breath, of course she was joking.

Dick then sat back and watched her through the security cameras. She had a dark cloud on her head, thundering very now and then. The living room was a mess, his room too. Raven hadn't touched it because it kept reminding her of him, and she didn't want that. She kept holding her tears back. She was like a dam, ready to explode anytime. She kept thinking of him, his kissing, his touching of her hips, waist and everything else. She just wanted him here, not to help her but to save her, to be with her again. She just wanted Dick with her.

"Hey, Raven, do you have a room for me? I've kinda been staying in the common room ever since I moved in like 1 and a half hours ago. But if you're not free now, I can always get a room later. Sorry for bothering you. I know I haven't been a very good follower but, I just need a room. I'll listen to your orders from now on. I'm just very sorry for being such an asshole." Jason apologized for everything that he had done to the team. Not listening to them, defying the rules, destroying the place and not offering to clean up.

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