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Depuis le début

"noo it's okayy, I'm not taking it I'm fine with that as long you're saved home!" his smile make his little dimples appeared

"I have to go now, I'll see you sooner!" I close the door and walk to the main door


I turned around to him and he open the window

"I miss you"

"tskk, I miss you too bye bye!!" he close the window and drove away


I was chilling in the bathtub then my phone vibrated, I take my phone and Yoongi texted me saying that he throw a party tomorrow night at his house. I ignore it and put away my phone

After I done my shower routine, I dry my hair and put on my pajamas. I walk to the kitchen and Rosalie just went back from groceries shopping

 I walk to the kitchen and Rosalie just went back from groceries shopping

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I post the pictures I've taken to my instagram and kakao

"thank you bestie for the groceries stuff, love ya xoxo <\3"

"post it and DONE!" it has been posted and I took the chopsticks and have our dinner together



I stretch my arms and get up from my nap, I open the slide door letting the fresh air came into my room. Then I forgot to invite Haena on our party tomorrow to celebrate our higher sales and Angeline's first win

I dialed her number twice but she didn't answer to my, I leave her some texts and she seen it. I smiled and hope she'll join us

"you're insane"

I rolled my eyes and look at my best friend, Hoseok

"you'll regret what you're doing trust me!" he shake his head and leave the room

"this bitch aishh" I off my phone and do my night routine as usual



I received texts from Yoongi


we're having party tomorrow
I hope you'll join us :)

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