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"Yoongi.." I said in my shaky tone

I slowly shut the door and Angeline walk to me, she push me making tripped on the floor. Yoongi quickly
pull her, I stand up with tears and stare at him

"I will never be good enough for thsi company, isn't it? if I wasn't here this company would be more famous and special right?" I smirk while crying, Im about to slap Yoongi but I stopped

"you bastard, am I not enough for you...?" I said while sobbing, I shake my head run out from the bathroom

My heels were making the tipping noices, then the workers and stuff saw me running they try to stop me but I push them away with my full energy then I realised the paparazis and the red carpet are still on going. They saw me crying from the outside and they take my pictures infront of the crowd

I cover my eyes and turned around, Yoongi chase me and yell to me and beg to stop, I ignore him and the camera flashing to me so I decided to run away using the back way. I took off my heels and quickly open the door, it was dark and spooky but I tend to run from this company and him

My feets hurts so bad after 25 minutes of running without any shoes on, I was exhausted

"I don't where am I..? why do I feel so lost..? why am I at this dark alley..?" I whisper to myself, I sit beside an empty shop. I feel like a person with empty life and full of sadness

"I lost myself again, hope is gone.."

I take out my phone, it was midnight and I'm here sitting alone. I got scared and imagine if someone could kidnap me, I got shivers and quickly continue walking

I was chilling at Han River, nobody was here just me all alone

"why do I feel so sad? I have no feelings for him why it hurts me so much..?" I hug myself because it was cold, then I remembered the tragic that happened between me and Zico

"why do he own a gun, is he a criminal..?" I knock my forehead trying to forget everything about him and the horrible company

Then I Rosalie called me, but I didn't answer the call

"I made my own, I'll run away far from here I'm sorry everyone."

Then I saw the texts from Rosalie on my notifications, she told that she's on her way to the police station. I shake my head

"what do you think happened to me, I'm okay Rosalie I just want to go away from everyone I'm sorry I have to do this" I smile while tears dripping, I ignore her texts and quickly stopped a taxi to get me home and pack my stuff before Rosalie went home

I arrived and pay the driver, I run to our room and open the door wide. I changed my outfits, I pack my clothes and the importance things for me and for me to survive. I wear my black coat and I place the hood on my head, I wear my black my mask so that nobody won't recognize me

I off my phone and throw it on my bed, I turn off the lights and lock the door. The only thing with me now is money, snacks and my clothes. I was walking through the hallway



"BREAKING NEWS: Do Haena also known as the Genius Lab' trainee went missing for days after the polices caught footages of her on public cctv running away by herself"

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